Background task



I have NIS 2009 and in the upper right hand corner of my screen is where i have the icons next to the system clock the NIS 2009 keeps popping up saying something running a background task, How do i stop the pop up from popping up,. its now popped up 10 times in 3 minutes tired of it popping up





I have NIS 2009 and in the upper right hand corner of my screen is where i have the icons next to the system clock the NIS 2009 keeps popping up saying something running a background task, How do i stop the pop up from popping up,. its now popped up 10 times in 3 minutes tired of it popping up



Can you tell us the pop up that you receive? Is that something related to idle scan?

Dieselman743 wrote:
The alert you are seeing is normal but it shouldnt happen that often. NIS is designed to do most of its work when your pc is at idle. When this alert pops up are you current doing something with your pc or is it just sitting there?

It pops up sometimes when i am doing something, But most of the time it pops up after i dont do anything for a bit, i usually turn off my monitor when i am not doing anything but soon as i turn it back on  the alert pops up and it popped up right before i came in here and i usually have to click the x to close it, doesn't close by itself sometimes... i don't think its necessary to perform a background task every few minutes. be nice if can turn off that alert.. its not that big of a deal just would be nice not to have it pop up soo often, which actually the first time that i seen it pop up alot today.. Maybe i am letting my computer be idle more than i have been but like i said be nice for it to not pop up every few minutes..



Sorry don’t remember exactly what it says, its not the idle scan, cus usually when i get the idle scan it tells me to click view status or something like that when its done. its the one that performs a background task.

How long do you have your screensaver set to kick in? When do you have your monitor and hard rivers shut down? I have my screensaver set to 10 minutes.

Dieselman743 wrote:
How long do you have your screensaver set to kick in? When do you have your monitor and hard rivers shut down? I have my screensaver set to 10 minutes.

I don't use a Screensaver, When i am not using my Computer i just turn off my Monitor. My hard drive never shuts down.. have it set at never.. The reason i don't use a screensaver is that it can lag your internet connection slow it down and slow down programs.. atleast what i have heard especially when your screen saver is running then you click your mouse to shut it off and thats when your programs don't open up as fast, Just been used to not using the screensaver, I am sure wouldn't have any problems with my new dell with 4gb of ram <G>.



A screensaver does not slow your pc down. Nor does it lag your connection. Where did you ever here that from? A screensaver kicks in when your programs are not being used so how can it slow your pc down. I have tons of screensavers. Ones that you need a good graphics card to run and still have no issues. With 4 gigs of ram you do not need to worry about slow downs. I have 1 gig on my desktop and 2 gigs on my laptop with no issues.

Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-21-2008 06:44 PM

Did you happen to change the “idle time out” under miscellaneous settings for NIS?

Dieselman743 wrote:
Did you happen to change the "idle time out" under miscellaneous settings for NIS?

Idle time out is set at 10 minutes,, So assume thats the default setting since i never changed it.


As for the screensaver, I agree won't have a problem with my 4gb computer and turned on my screensaver <G> if i remember right my old dell with 512mb would be sluggish for a bit after the screensaver would turn off and theres been times where i had to keep moving my mouse to finally get the screensaver to turn off, So from that point on i just never bother to use a screensaver but i have seem reports from other messages board while while back about using a screensaver.Ya i would agree about doesnt lag internet connection. 



Well welcome to the real world. I havent had 512 ram since about 10 years ago I believe. Try setting your screensaver for 10 minutes. Then shutoff your monitor after 2 hours and hard drives after 3. See if the backround alerts stop. I see them every once a week or so.

Dieselman743 wrote:
Well welcome to the real world. I havent had 512 ram since about 10 years ago I believe. Try setting your screensaver for 10 minutes. Then shutoff your monitor after 2 hours and hard drives after 3. See if the backround alerts stop. I see them every once a week or so.

Sounds like you never turn off your computer?


Thanks for the help..

About twice a week I turn it off. Why keep turning it on and off. Kind of a waste of time. My desktop is uaually on 24/7.

Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-21-2008 07:12 PM

Dieselman743 wrote:
About twice a week I turn it off. Why keep turning it on and off. Kind of a waste of time. My desktop is uaually on 24/7.
Message Edited by Dieselman743 on 10-21-2008 07:12 PM

Will i see no need to keep your computer running while your sleeping and wasting electricity and getting a high electric bill for keeping your computer on all the time..

Do you honestly think your pc is gonna run up your electric bill. Come on now. What’s it cost you. About a half a cent a day if even that. I am on my pc till I go to bed and when I wake up I check my email before I leave for work. So why should I shut my pc off just to turn it back on 6-8 hours later. Show me an electric bill that was dramatically reduced my turning off there pc every night and I will buy it.

Hi Eraserone,


When you click on CPU Usage on the Main User Interface, it shows all of your Background Jobs. It will show Last Run. When you click on Last Run to sort the list by the last run field and scroll down to the bottom, what does it show as being the tasks that are running during that 10 minute timespan? Does it show Ran During Idle as being Yes or No?


Tim_Lopez wrote:

Hi Eraserone,


When you click on CPU Usage on the Main User Interface, it shows all of your Background Jobs. It will show Last Run. When you click on Last Run to sort the list by the last run field and scroll down to the bottom, what does it show as being the tasks that are running during that 10 minute timespan? Does it show Ran During Idle as being Yes or No?



Hi Tim,


When i click on CPU Usage, When i click on Last Run, if i scroll to the bottom


Says Phishing protection updates 10/22/2008 1:50  duration 5 seconds  Ran idle time: No


and the top says after i click Last Run 


Idle Full Scan  10/20/2008 3:17pm  duration 8 minutes and 4 seconds Ran Idle Time:  Yes

Idle Quick Scan 10/21/2008  4:20pm duration 17 seconds  Ran Idle Time : Yes

Live Update 10/21/2008 5:31pm  3 seconds  Ran idle time: No

Norton Community watch  10/21/2008 8:19pm  3 seconds Ran idle Time : Yes

Norton Insight scan          10/21/2008  8:30pm 7minutes 45 seconds Ran Idle time: Yes

Norton Insight Submission  10/21/2008 8:39pm  28 seconds Idle Ran Time: Yes

All Yesterday

Hi Eraserone,


During this time, did you receive the popup over and over, as you had stated earlier? It could be related to LiveUpdate trying to install Phishing Protection updates that are failing (same issue as ).


A temporary solution has been to use the Norton Removal Tool to remove the software, and then reinstall the software. Make sure you have your product key. You can re-download the software from

Tim_Lopez wrote:

Hi Eraserone,


During this time, did you receive the popup over and over, as you had stated earlier? It could be related to LiveUpdate trying to install Phishing Protection updates that are failing (same issue as ).


A temporary solution has been to use the Norton Removal Tool to remove the software, and then reinstall the software. Make sure you have your product key. You can re-download the software from

Its possible,


Haven't had 1 pop up yet in 3hrs so looking good so far <G>. If keeps happening alot then will remove it and reinstall it.. 


Thanks for your help