What a crock. I click on support, do I get support no I get a screen that FORCES me to do a scan. Then I want an answer to a question can i ask a question NO I have to join the forum so that they get my email address so that they can SPAM me. When I join the forum my name is being used, my password is no good, the captcha is wrong I repeat what a crock. It is as though no question is to be answered...just give enough hassle and he will go away. My problem is I cannot watch a movie or a television show or anything on my very fast computer. At 6:30 at night whether I want it to or not Norton fires up background tasks. I cannot shut off background tasks. I want to watch a movie not have it stop every minute while Norton does whatever it is doing. And yes it is almost every minute! Who wrote a routine that fires up on MY computer that I paid MONEY for that I cannot shut off? Even when Norton is not performing background tasks it still impacts my computer by going out and checking for updates every 14 SECONDS! In order to do anything I have to shut Norton off. Why would anyone access their website every 14 seconds? I know I won't get a reply to this. I tried taking Norton completely off the computer and it keeps coming back, sounds more like a virus than a virus checker.
And now I see another captch that i canon read why can't they at lest use real words!!?