I have a total of five backup images on my second internal drive inside my computer. Backup Image #1, Backup Image #2, Backup Image #3 etc. and so forth. Now that I have a Blu-ray burner I was thinking of backing up those backup images to disc.
When I look in my Computer Backup Images folder on my internal drive there is a Symantec Recovery Environment File called Micron, and then there is also a DAT File. Plus there are two files for each image. One deals with the System Reserved and the other just an image file:
Two 25GB discs should be able to store all this stuff. But what specifically do I include on each disc? Like say I decide to put the first two backup images on a disc. Do I include this?
I mean I will need to know if I need to include the DAT file and the Recovery Environment file in addition to the actual backup image file itself.