Thanks both for agreeing to try and help the team get to the bottom of this.
I cannot guarantee that we will be successful, and I know it will mean you putting in more effort than you would normally expect to do, but without such help there is unlikely to be progress.
The aim of the exercise will be to get you doing manually triggered backups while running monitoring software that will hopefully provide the background data the team need, if/when the next problem backup occurs. The log files will be large and so to enable passing them to the team I am going to ask you both to install Norton Zone if you are not already using it.
I will try and run the process through this thread so that you can both see what is going on and so that the team can check what I am doing if they wish. However if you wish to handle anything through PMs then do so. I am sure I will need to exchange some information with you through PMs.
If you are happy with the above then I will move on to the monitoring software. For this you should use SymNRA – details about how to get it and how to use it can be found in this Knowledge Base article -
The aim is to start SymNRA before each of the test backups and then collect the resulting log – this will require two computer reboots for each backup. Hopefully we can get a log of a backup running as it should and then get one of things going wrong. As it will be necessary to run SymNRA several times you may find it helpful to create a SymNRA icon on your desktop. The way I run it is to close all no essential programs down, start SymNRA (this forces a reboot) then when the system is up again – run the backup and when that is done, save the SymNRA log (which again forces another reboot). If you have any questions about this – just ask.
Once you have obtained the relevant logs you can use Norton Zone to create a link which will enable the team to download them. I will go through that with you when you need to do it. However if you have any problems with Norton Zone in principle let me know a.s.a.p.
While you are thinking about all the above and playing with Zone and SymNRA can I ask you to both set your N360 backups to manual. I want to try and enable you to be as fully in control of the process as possible and having the programme try and run backups when it chooses may not help that. To set to manual open N360; select the Backup pane and then the Manage Backup Sets option. On that page select the “When” tab and choose the Manual option – then Save Settings.
To dsttexas – as I understand it your backup drive is full. So there is little we can do with things in that state. I suggest that you open Windows Explorer and delete the entire N360_BACKUP folder – as that will be more or less the whole of that disk it may take some time. Just let it run and check afterwards that the disk is clear. Sadly it will leave you without any backup for a while but I do not see we have another option unless you have another spare 2 GB drive we can use. Once the backup drive is clear then open N360; select the Backup pane and then Manage Backup Sets. Press the preview button and see how large it thinks the backup should be – note it for reporting back here. Then when you have the time to leave the machine to run – select “Ran Backup” and leave it until it has completed (no need for SymNRA yet). Report back what it tells you – hopefully that all was well – and tell us how much space the new N360_BACKUP directory is taking up on the backup drive.
To MADgeek – I am not clear how much spare space you currently have on your backup drive. If it is less than half full then I would suggest that we can start to log straight away. However if it is half or more full then I would recommend that you do as I have suggested to dsttexas. If you do have the space then I would suggest that once you are happy with both Norton Zone and SymNRA then you should start SymNRA (reboot will be required) and then when the system has settled down run a backup manually. This should just be an incremental backup (yes really!) and so should not take long. Note what it says at the end and then collect the SymNRA log (reboot required) – note the name of the SymNRA log file and where it is saved. You should also note the actual size on disk of the N360_BACKUP folder before and after this backup.
This post is already far too long and I have given you both a lot to think about, so I will stop and wait for you to read, think and ask any questions you wish.
I hope the above makes sense.
Thanks again to you both for offering to do this.