Backup will not Run

Note: Please do not post Personally Identifiable Information like email address, personal phone number, physical home address, product key etc.

Issue abstract: Getting error that i am at risk because Backup has not run. When I hit “Fix Now” I get an error

Detailed description: Started getting the error about Backkup not running, When I try to go to “Feature Setup” it just spins when contacting the Norton Server. I figured that I could remove and reinstall since things seem pretty messed up. But Remove and Reinstall won’t run due to an “Internal Error”

Product & version number:

OS details: Windows 10

What is the error message you are seeing? When trying to “Fix Problem” with the backup, I get “Internal error, can’t fix problem”. When I try to remove and reinstall the entire Norton 360, I get and “Internal Error” message again

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

Hello @Jeffrey_de_Lapp

Norton 360 version number?
Backup space available?

Sign Out all Norton help?
Sign In at Norton 360 work?

Machine Restart (not Shut down) help?

Does Norton LiveUpdate run okay?
Does Norton QuickScan run okay?

Windows Admin user account?

Windows Uninstall work?

VPN off?

Any other real-time security?
Recent issue or_________?

Does Windows Updates run okay?