
The Norton Backup was saved as N360_Backup and the files were in hexadecimal numbering but I had changed the default set to a new name and manual backup and saved settings. So I do not understand why the backup folder is N360_Backup and I cannot read hexadecimal even if I wanted, to restore particular folders and files. So this was a disappointing exercise. Can anyone explain what may have happened?

Tried to backup on a number of occasions. Always same result," backup failed". No explanation or hint on how to fix. I downloaded and ran the severe fix option, but it came up with "no faults"  Norton keeps telling me to backup, I keep trying ! Help please.

Can some please tell me if it is possible to wipe out old files on Norton Backup.  My allowance is 32gb and only 11gb is available.  I want to start afresh and backup what I need to now and get rid of the five year old files.

Hi DianeBowles,


The internet plans for most consumers are asymetrical, meaning that upload speeds are much slower than download speeds.  The following chart will give you an idea of how long it takes to upload various amounts of data at different connection speeds:


Backup takes more time when I run backup to Secure Online Storage for the first time in Norton 360

I have Norton 360 on 2 computers. On the Laptop the backup to Norton is so slow it is a pain. In 48 hours only 30 of the backup has downloaded - 3 GB of 10GB. Why is it so slow and what can I do to make it realistic.

I reinstalled norton after having problems with my norton framework not responding and now i cant activate my online storage place or procced with my norton account ....whats the problem? does any1 else has the same problem with me?


wonabet wrote:

I have purchased 10 additional gigs of backup from Norton. I now have 12. My wifes laptop is going and i want to back up the entire disk. She is using 60 gig. By purchasing more space can i back up her entire disk? Thank You.

I don't know. You might talk to customer support

to see if they can give you the information you need

Another possibility would be to buy a USB external drive and use that for backups. Might work out to be cheaper than buying online storage space

Keep us posted

Online backup is only for user data, all your important files and folders.

Don't think that you can backup her entire hard drive and be able to restore it, for that you need a disk imaging program.



Hallo @SusanneTeßmer 

Einstellungen → Firewall →  Allgemeine Einstellungen( nach unten scrollen) → Netzwerkeinsellungen → Netzwerkkostenerkennung → konfigurieren Dort sollte die Option ,, Keine Einschränkung" gewählt sein. 

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