bad file in NPE

Hi there,

      Having run Norton Ppwer Eraser it came back as having detected a file it marked as bad and reccommended removal, which I did. The NPE log hsa the file as ms.exe and located at c:\users\xxxx\ms.exe.After searching for info on the potential threat involved I found a  website which said the file may be associated with  a variety of threats including viruses,trojans and keyloggers. Does removing this file with NPE remove these threats or may it have already installed some othe rprogramme on my computer.I am particularly worried about keyloggers since I am told anti-virus software may not detect their presence. If a keylogger has already been installed will a full system scan with NIS 2012 alert me to its presence and/or remove it and was the ms.exe file the keylogger itself or merely an installation tool?