To find out what version of Norton Mobile Security (NMS) you have - open the application - press the menu button - then select "about", near the bottom of the window (under "Open Source Licneses" should be a number something like V3.3.0.892. That is the version number.
Can you also confirm that you are using a Samsung phone running Android (again the exact version of Android might be helpful), and not an iPhone from Apple as I had previously assumed from your reference to "Iphone"?
You say that your son registered NMS. Do you mean that it is registered on the website under his Norton account? If you need it to work properly for you, you need it to be registered to your Norton account.
Location inaccuracy can arise for many reasons. Probably the best way to test that it is working it to take the phone out into the open where the GPS can get a good fix, and there is a good mobile signal, and then ask the software to find its location. That should then be accurate. If that is not accurate then we will have to look into this more deeply.
I hope this is helping. I look forward to your reply.
In begin I brougth NMS (a week ago) , when I send a "Locate xxxx" to find my smarthphone I got two messages on my GSM with the geographiqe location where my smartphone was on that moment Last days, nothing is still sending
Well get I on my PC with NMS and after sending "locate xxxx" the correct location on GPS schreen van NMS
where my smartphone was on that moment.
I have yesterday SMS restalled on my smartphone
but still I d'ont got the 2 sms after sending "LOCATE XXXX"
When you send an SMS message to your phone it must be from another phone. Trying to send an SMS type message from a computer is unlikely to work.
However if you can log in to you should be able to ask that to find the location via the internet.
I find that the location found via the PC (which continues to follow the device) often appears less accurate as it takes the best location data it has at any point in time. The phone based SMS just produces a single location (it is "locate" and not "follow") but if the GPS is on it seems to wait for a while for a good fix.
However both location methods will suffer from poor connectivity or poor GPS access.
Does any of that help explain what you are seeing?