Bar Slider to configure Quick Scans

Bar Slider to change how Quick Scans or Full System Scans run  Fast >> Slow


A number of users including myself are experiencing extremely high cpu usage with Norton Internet Security Quick Scans whether run via schedule or automatically. The result is that the computer becomes unusable when Quick Scans are running and even in idle time the Quick Scans are freezing or causing Windows 7 to blue screen and crash.


I would like to suggest that a Bar Slider be incorporated in the Custom Scan window so that the user can simply select the time required for any scan (automatic / scheduled / Windows scheduled or otherwise) according the processor installed on the computer.


It is quite evident from my research that the current scan time is much too fast for older processors and consumes 90% to 100% cpu which will inevitably freeze or crash Windows 7 whether run during normal use or in idle time.


It is quite immaterial that the scan in the background takes 12 mins. instead of 4 mins. but by doing so the computer could then run other processes if required and also prevent freezes which can happen even in idle time. Users on Dial Up are particularly affected.


See my post ccsvchst running at 100% CPU can be solved!.