Bill Gates switches to Android phone

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has revealed he uses an Android-powered smartphone, rather than a Windows one.

"Recently, I actually did switch to an Android phone," he said, speaking on Fox News Sunday.

Microsoft's own Windows-powered phones have failed to make a significant impact on the smartphone market, which is dominated by devices running Google's Android operating system.

However, Mr Gates said he had installed lots of Microsoft apps on his phone.

When asked whether he also had an iPhone, perhaps as a secondary device, he replied: "No, no iPhone."


He did not reveal which particular smartphone he currently uses. 


My name is Bill Gates and I am an Android user 

Sir. Have you no, er, shame


The world's richest man confirmed he only succumbed to temptations "recently" and wouldn't say which Android device he habitually uses.

Step 1: "I admitted I was powerless over ....." Windows? 

My name is Bill Gates and I am an Android user 

Sir. Have you no, er, shame


The world's richest man confirmed he only succumbed to temptations "recently" and wouldn't say which Android device he habitually uses.


If Bill had asked me 5 years ago, I could have told him to ditch the iPhone !

Apart from my Win 10 systems, I have several Android devices and one iPad.

The iPad is so user unfriendly compared to the Android system, that I'm glad I didn't go the Mac way......................