Billing address is in a different country... HELP!

Hi there, just signed up on the forums to get some help. Not sure if this is the right section to be in, if not please inform me and I will go somewhere else.


I want to purchase a renewal of my Norton Antivirus, however, I have moved to Australia and the Norton subscription service won't allow me to make my billing address in Canada. I have not changed my billing address to Australia and I will not considering I will only be here for 9 months. Is there some way I can get around this so I can make my billing address in Canada? I don't understand why Norton has blocked this feature and only allows me to check countries that are around Australia, makes no sense to me.


If anybody has a solution any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks. If this cannot be resolved I'll be forced to go to a different anti-virus software which I don't really want to do, but I don't like having my computer unprotected for so long.