Block Desktop Ads

I'm getting ads on my desktop notification area and they're getting more invasive. It would be nice if Norton made a product that could block these.


The first produkt is to somthing complet difrent the other power eraser download from Norton free the last is only and only if power eraser fail but it is in norton 360 i dont now how the program works Call support i just now you need IT on a USB stik

The amount of unnecessary spam from this product is ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is the other two replies to this post. They actually recommended ANOTHER Norton product to block a Norton product. Let me spell the heck out of this guys, since you don't seem to understand. This product is HIGHLY INVASIVE and HIGHLY INSTRUSIVE. I am constantly pestered by ads on my desktop about products and services I don't want and have clicked "Don't show me this again" about a million times but the ads never go away. They interrupt everything, from Zoom meetings with my boss to an afternoon video game, even though my settings aren't supposed to allow something to interrupt me when I'm playing a game in fullscreen mode or on a video call. Norton doesn't think twice about suddenly kicking me out of Fortnite to tell me I haven't looked at my Dashboard in the last five minutes or cutting off grandma's Facetime call to tell me it finished a scan. And the worst? It chooses to run a full system scan while Adobe Premiere is recoding a video because it says my computer is "idle" when it clearly isn't. It tries to shut down XBOX Game Bar WHILE I'M USING IT because it says it's "suspicious". It's even tried to block updates to my graphics card as "suspicious activity". I have CANCELLED my subscription, which is a shame, because the product used to be one of the best. But let me repeat this so I'm sure everyone understands exactly why I cancelled - I should not be pestered on my own desktop by ads from a product that I'm paying to stop me from being pestered by ads on my desktop. PERIOD.

norton power eraser can take it. if not plan b they got somthing so you can boot on usb that can take it

maybe Norton AntiTrack not sure new produkt