Just installed Norton Family, so I can make sure my kids aren't going to the wrong places on-line - so apologies if this is a dumb newby's question (I did try searching the forums, honest)
I'm getting regular messages telling me my son has attempted to access websites which NF has blocked - and giving me the option to allow the site, if I am happy with it.
However, rather than a URL I can look up, and make a judegement call about, I'm getting what looks more like an IP address.
Thanks for the post and it's a very good question.
The Norton Family program captures the URLs that a child tries to access and logs the URLs to the Norton Family website for the parents to view. If the links that the child accesses are IP addresses, then the program captures the IP addresses.
I assume it doesn't happen very often, so If you want to know the domain names for the IP addresses, you can Google IP address domain name lookup, you will get plenty of free applications online and tell you the domain names.
For the sample IP address, the domain name is host102-rangeC-akamai-aanp.cdn.enyrk.isp.sky.com from GB, United Kingdom
Many thanks for your reply. I'd tried Googling the IP address, but couldn't find anything. Sky are our ISP, so I guess there's no issue with the site I quoted.
The other one which has popped up a few times is - again though, nothing is coming up when I try and figure out what it is.
Whilst I'm on....
The other message which I'm getting 4 or 5 times every browsing session is:
8/30/13 9:32 AM : Norton Family's web browser monitoring component is either disconnected or disabled. Please restart the web browser or restart your computer. [DESKTOP-_Win7]
What is my son doing that would cause this to happen?
The domain name for IP address is fcds116.lon.llnw.net. The organization is Limelight Networks
You said "...I'd tried Googling the IP address, but couldn't find anything. Sky are our ISP...". You might not find anything if the IP address is not well known. Also, who is you ISP shouldn't matter. Please Google IP address domain name lookup (don't google that particular IP address, but google the phrase) you will get plenty of free applications online and tell you the domain names.
When you see the message "Norton Family's web browser monitoring component is either disconnected or disabled..." next time, please check the browser that your child uses to see if the Norton Family is enabled. You can find it by clicking Tools -> Manage Add-ons in IE if IE is being used.