Bloomberg - folder exclusions

Hello, Norton keeps blocking news articles and web-links activated from my Bloomberg terminal. The helpdesk at Bloomberg has given me a number of folders to exclude from Norton scans but this has not stopped Norton blocking these articles. The don’t seem to know what to do next. Any ideas please?

Hello @Paul_O_Connor
Bloomberg free account?
Bloomberg subscription account?
Bloomberg US Editions?

Norton 360 is blocking websites/weblinks?
Norton 360 v22.x or v24.x?
Norton Safe Web is blocking?

VPN connected?
Did you try with VPN not connected?

Caveat: I do not have Bloomberg subscription account. Sign’d In with spare Gmail account. I’m browsing Bloomberg US Edition pages.

Thanks for your reply. It is the Bloomberg terminal. No VPN connected. Norton 22.24. I get this message: “could not display the requested resource (RuntimeRenderer , code: RENDERER_CRASHED).”

Sorry, I’m not familiar with Bloomberg terminal.

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Do you have screenshots of the blocking to review? Thanks in advance.


Bloomberg Terminal