Boot disk for different PC, thank you.

Hi all!

I've got a ghost problem, and I need help. The situation:

Computer A: This computer is the culprit computer. Windows runs, but there are some errors. (Can't do system restore, failing to install/remove software, etc.).

I have made a backup image of this computer that I'dd like to restore. (ext. is .v2i accompanied by a .sv2i file). It is stored in a safe location. (external HDD).
Since then the ghost software has been damaged/removed and I can't reïnstall it because of the windows installer errors, etc. (The pc's a bit messed up). There's the problem...

Computer B: This is a perfectly fine extra computer with access to the same external HDD (and therefore the backup), and with ghost 14.0 installed and running perfectly. Problem is I haven't got a working bootable disk to use in the culprit computer...

So my question is: How can I use computer B to create a bootable CD / diskette for computer A so I can run ghost on computer A and restore it?

Alternatively, I could connect the system hard drive out of computer and connect it to computer B as a slave drive. How to format/write the backup point to this slave disk?

Thank you for your help.