Browser directed to Personal Antiware download

Today, I went to, which seems to be a fairly well-known and legitimate site; I didn't download anything from there, anyway.  However, about 3 seconds after navigating there, my browser was directed to some site advertising for Personal Antivirus (Which I know is a rogue).  It was called, I believe.  A second after I was brought there (I didn't click anything) a message comes up claiming that my computer had a virus and that I need to download Personal Antiware.  Without doing anything on the page or clicking the message, I closed Firefox, disabled my internet connection (paranoid, I know.  Just trying to be careful. ><) and ran an MBAM scan.  Nothing came up, so it seems I didn't Personal Antivirus a chance to install itself.  However, I'm still a bit unsettled as to why I was directed to PA's site, since pre-existing trojans usually cause that.  What should I do?  Might I have a deeply embedded trojan or rootkit or something that won't show up on MBAM?  Thanks.


[edit: Clarified subject.]

Message Edited by shannons on 11-07-2009 03:10 PM