Browser Malware

My Brower is infected with a redirect malware. Norton isnt detectiing it and I can’t find or disable it.

Its redirecting everything through

Disabled plugins and reinstalled edge with no luck.

Did you try MalwareTips guides or Malwarebytes Malware Removal Help posted [here].
Did you try Norton Power Eraser or Norton VPP posted [here].

Please post progress.

I repaired edge as well as downloaded and installed over top of edge.

I did not try removing edge user data or running edge sync.

Chrome does it also after I downloaded it.


1) Its redirecting everything through
2) Disabled plugins and reinstalled edge with no luck.

1) Wonder if is League of Legends Good Game?
2) "reinstalled edge" meaning Modify > Repair Edge? 
    Did you remove Edge user data. 
    Do you run Edge sync?

I did try the malware tip guides.I ran the long Norton scan last night and nothing.

This morningi I ran Norton eraser and malwarebites. Those did not find anything buy only ran for about a minute each which was a little concerning. I am not sure they where doing a full scan.

When I have more time ill try and figure out why the scans where so short. I have OS on C drive 1tb SSD . I Have work on 2tb D drive. Not sure if they are scanning this but the Rkill report indicated the c drive.

Runing the windows malicous software while I head to work.


I will let the scan run tonight, fingers crossed.

I'm curious if you tried the MalwareTips guides &or considered Malwarebytes Malware Removal Help posted [here].

I'm curious if you tried Norton Power Eraser &or considered Norton VPP posted [here].


Thank you for your help. I will let the scan run tonight, fingers crossed.

Wihila. As soon as Rkill completes run a full system scan with Malwarebytes again. The two files noted in the Rkill.txt are the malware dropped files. You are seeing Windows Defender disabled due to Norton being installed. Only Windows Firewall remains active while 3rd party antivirus software is installed. This is normal.

While Rkill has those files at bay you may also give the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool a shot. 


Malwarebytes Malware Removal Help

Virus Protection Promise

Some applications can install unwanted toolbars and can cause browser redirection. Norton Power Eraser provides an unwanted application scan option to scan your computer for potentially unwanted programs (PUP) and potentially unwanted applications (PUAs). For more information, read Run an Unwanted Application scan in Norton Power Eraser. 

OK still on the computer but that stops it. I am not sure how to find the malware itself but that stopped it. once I rebooted. Anyone know how to get rid of it? I am not sure how to find the two process its refencing in the report.

 * C:\Windows\System32\ServiceUI.exe (PID: 6104) [WD-HEUR]
 * C:\Windows\System32\UITheme.exe (PID: 7944) [WD-HEUR]



 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender]
   "DisableAntiSpyware" = dword:00000001

OMG, I think its fixed! I tried Rkill and its acting normal now. I am not sure If I need to do anything else. I uploaded the report it made. Hopefully it makes more sense to someone reading this. I am going to reboot see if it stays off.

How To Remove ALL Viruses from Microsoft Edge [2023 Guide]

How To Remove ALL Browser Redirect Viruses [2023 Updated]

How To Remove Browser Hijackers & Redirects [2023 Updated]

Remove Pop-ups, Spam Ads & Redirects [Virus Removal]

Remove Malware Completely from Windows PC – Detailed Guide

I downloaded and installed the trial version of Malwarebytes. The scan showed nothing.

Not sure if it matters its a trial version.

clearing cach or cookies is a non answer given, the redirects are third party ads/malware ( there are various ones)

some norton may detect and stop some perhaps not

there was no need to reinstall edge


Norton does not block all redirects because many web sites use them for legitimate purposes. Norton uses them all the time. So SoulAsylum's suggestion to run a Malwarebytes scan has a better chance of finding the issue.

Going forward, installing an ad blocker extension in your browser can block all redirects for you.


Wihla. Download Malwarebytes, run a full scan. Lets see what it finds and can get rid of.

For Windows:


I tried that and no luck.

When I installed google chrome it has the same issue. I believe its a program but I can’t identify it and Norton isn’t picking it up.

Try clearing all cookies and cache etc and resetting to original settings