BSOD driver_irql_not_less_or_equal symevent64x86.sys

After uninstalling Norton 360 from Windows 7 Home Premium 64, I was able to update my HP DV6-2151cl to Windows 10. Windows 10 functions normally until I reinstall Norton 360. After Norton is reinstalled I get constant BSOD with the message of driver_irql_not_less_or_equal symevent64x86.sys. After 3 or 4 reboots it will be stable long enough to run the removal tool and Windows 10 functions again. All my device drivers from HP are updated to their most current versions. I can't read my Windows 7 COA sticker so an install from scratch that requires activation from the COA is not an option. 

Any solutions or do I have to move away from Norton? 

finally i got the fix

http: // www. deskdecode . com/how-to-fix-stop-0x000000d1-driver_irql_not_less_or_equal-error/