BSOD or Freeze on Shutdown

Hello Norton,


I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit, Service Pack 2,


I recently bought and installed a retail copy of NIS 2013 since my NIS 2012 subscription had just expired. The new one seems to be working ok, unfortunately my pc isn't.


On shutdown I have been getting the BSOD and I have to force shutdown. The BSOD shows me the "THE PROCESS HAS LOCKED" message with "STOP ERROR" and the sequence:

0x00000076  (0x000000000,0x85744B60,0x00000001,0x00000000)


After reboot I get a windows crash report with info I don't understand like this:


Problem signature:   Problem Event Name: BlueScreen   OS Version: 6.0.6002.   Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:   BCCode: 76   BCP1: 00000000   BCP2: 89F2BD90   BCP3: 00000001   BCP4: 00000000   OS Version: 6_0_6002   Service Pack: 2_0   Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:   C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini041113-01.dmp   C:\Users\William\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-56269-0.sysdata.xml   C:\Users\William\AppData\Local\Temp\WERFF16.tmp.version.txt


I must point out that when I first tried to install NIS 2013 I forgot to uninstall NIS 2012, thinking it would simply update. I was prompted to uninstall the earlier one first which I did with Norton Removal Tool. Then the problems started. I have since reinstalled by removing NIS via Control Panel, reboot, NRT, reboot, install NIS 2013, run Liveupdate and the BSOD keeps happening on shutdown. When Norton is uninstalled then there is no problem. Recently when I shutdown the pc freezes in desktop before BSOD, requiring forced shutdown, which is effectively the same.

Also with NIS 2013 startup is slow and using certain programs has slowed significantly such as Steam for which I have to try to connect to repeatedly. Incidentally, my RAM is maxed out 4GB. I had none of these problems with NIS 2012,


Can you help? Thank you




Thanks for the suggestions, I will try some of them: the chkdsk and the free virus checkers, although malwarebytes seems to be incompatible with NIS2013 since it asked me to uninstall it during the install process.

If these don't help and after reading some other posts I'm starting to think I may have to revert to NIS2012. My pc seems noticeably slower and especially using I Explorer. Maybe it's blocking or checking programs thoroughly and is designed for newer/faster systems.

I find the new interface system confusing. Where exactly is the screen to block/unblock programs?


Thanks again

DoubleFix wrote:


Thanks for the suggestions, I will try some of them: the chkdsk and the free virus checkers, although malwarebytes seems to be incompatible with NIS2013 since it asked me to uninstall it during the install process.

If these don't help and after reading some other posts I'm starting to think I may have to revert to NIS2012. My pc seems noticeably slower and especially using I Explorer. Maybe it's blocking or checking programs thoroughly and is designed for newer/faster systems.

I find the new interface system confusing. Where exactly is the screen to block/unblock programs?


Thanks again

A couple of other things to try.


Try clicking on Support - Get Support to run  Autofix to check your installation and fix what it finds.


Also, be sure you have run LiveUpdate manually a few times, rebooting as necessary, until no updates are available. There has been a patch recently that may help. Keep running LiveUpdate until you have version




Hello Norton,


I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit, Service Pack 2,


I recently bought and installed a retail copy of NIS 2013 since my NIS 2012 subscription had just expired. The new one seems to be working ok, unfortunately my pc isn't.


On shutdown I have been getting the BSOD and I have to force shutdown. The BSOD shows me the "THE PROCESS HAS LOCKED" message with "STOP ERROR" and the sequence:

0x00000076  (0x000000000,0x85744B60,0x00000001,0x00000000)


After reboot I get a windows crash report with info I don't understand like this:


Problem signature:   Problem Event Name: BlueScreen   OS Version: 6.0.6002.   Locale ID: 2057

Additional information about the problem:   BCCode: 76   BCP1: 00000000   BCP2: 89F2BD90   BCP3: 00000001   BCP4: 00000000   OS Version: 6_0_6002   Service Pack: 2_0   Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:   C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini041113-01.dmp   C:\Users\William\AppData\Local\Temp\WER-56269-0.sysdata.xml   C:\Users\William\AppData\Local\Temp\WERFF16.tmp.version.txt


I must point out that when I first tried to install NIS 2013 I forgot to uninstall NIS 2012, thinking it would simply update. I was prompted to uninstall the earlier one first which I did with Norton Removal Tool. Then the problems started. I have since reinstalled by removing NIS via Control Panel, reboot, NRT, reboot, install NIS 2013, run Liveupdate and the BSOD keeps happening on shutdown. When Norton is uninstalled then there is no problem. Recently when I shutdown the pc freezes in desktop before BSOD, requiring forced shutdown, which is effectively the same.

Also with NIS 2013 startup is slow and using certain programs has slowed significantly such as Steam for which I have to try to connect to repeatedly. Incidentally, my RAM is maxed out 4GB. I had none of these problems with NIS 2012,


Can you help? Thank you





I must point out that when I first tried to install NIS 2013 I forgot to uninstall NIS 2012, thinking it would simply update. I was prompted to uninstall the earlier one first which I did with Norton Removal Tool.





If you used NRT before uninstalling NIS, then there are good chances that you destroyed some critical OS components.

If the issue persists, then you should reinstall Windows from scratch.

By the way, do not listen to the suggestions running check disk or install a bunch of freeware like MBAM etc because your problem is different.

You can try those but after your BSOD issue is resolved.

People here tend to run 50 virus scans when something is wrong with the OS like a scan could resolve OS things!!  LOL!!!

Hope this helps,



I respect all suggestions in the forum, but I personally think the suggestion to reinstall Windows is premature.


If you want to check your Windows installation you can do a scan to check this.


Click on Start and type CMD in the search box. Right click on cmd.exe and click on Run as Administrator. Type 'sfc /scannow' without the quotes. This will check your Windows installation and try to correct any errors it finds.


If this does not help, we can try to get more information from your BSOD screens.




OK Peterweb, no problem.


You can ask the user to provide a zip copy of C:\Windows\Minidump folder files, then you can see what is the driver(s) or the process(es), that causing issues.

Then as a Guru, I expect that you do all the troubleshooting and provide a fix. (other than virus scans etc...)

As you stated, my suggestions are premature so, I will MONITOR this topic and see if you are so good in troubleshooting as you imply.

Best of luck.



I was going to wait for a reply to my last post before seeking further details from Bluescreen reader or such software. As you mention, we would need to know the driver or files involved.

You overestimate the Guru status. We are just users of the Norton products that volunteer to help other users from our experience. We get no training from Norton, but we each possess our own areas of knowledge. We still look for and appreciate help from the other users like yourself who may brink other skills to the forum.



If you used NRT before uninstalling NIS, then there are good chances that you destroyed some critical OS components.






As you can see, I mentionned the key word "If", when I replied to the user.

I cannot find an old topic, where a Symantec employee mentionned that if NRT is used BEFORE uninstallation of NIS, this could lead to serious OS problems, and do not be sure that the sfc tool could fix them.

That's why I stated that a reinstall of the OS might be needed.

Is that clear now for you or what?





Thank you for all your suggestions,


To reiterate: I no longer get the BSOD but the pc freezes when it shuts down and the pc is running slower since the NIS 2013 install.


I ran the Autofix and it fixed all errors.

I ran Liveupdate up to v.

Installed and ran Spybot and SuperAntispyware and they both found and fixed several low level viruses/trojans, as did an NIS scan.


Steam now running well.

IExplorer still slow.


Btw during the initial NIS 2013 install it prompted me to uninstall the previous version using NRT and I simply followed the instructions.

When NIS 2013 is not installed then my pc runs fine with no bsod/freeze on shutdown, but the problems happens when it has been installed, so I doubt that the OS is the weakness. Perhaps it is a compatibility issue? If I revert back to NIS 2012 will I miss out on important updates?


I will attach minidump files when I work out how,


Thank you





Some things to try:


1. Uninstall NIS via the control panel, reboot, then run NRT 2 times with reboot each time.

Uninstall also all other antispyware or other free products.(reboot each time).

2. Use your pc for some time and also IE, but with caution, only well known websites, see how it works.

3. Reinstall NIS with all the updates and open IE. Try to disable some add-ons like Flash, PDF Reader, PDF Link helper.

  See how it works.

4. Run a full system scan with NIS both in normal and safe mode. (If you have XP or W7 it's the F8 button, for W8 I do not know).

5. If you wish you can navigate to the minidump folder and include the file to a .zip folder.

  If you have the BSOD again you can change a setting, (temporarily), for the memory dump and instead of small dump 64K you can change it to full memory dump so we can have a complete picture of the issue.


Let us know the results,

Thank you.





Hi DoubleFix

It sounds like your getting there but can you humour me and, download c cleaner (its free) and run the cleaner and the registry, the buttons are on the RHS of the c cleaner screen.


Use help and support from the start menu and type in, defragment hard disc (be patient this can run for many hours).  Don’t forget do a data back up and a registry backup (mzback up is free) and there’s always system restore if you encounter problems you can’t get out of.


The reason I’m posting again is that I was getting similar problems to you and did what I put in the first post and it got rid of all of the problems.  My thoughts after doing the tasks were that I had cleared the infections with the anti-software and I had a lot of unnecessary files and a hard drive that was so clogged it was not allowing the system to operate correctly.  NIS will cause some slowing of the systems speed as it is checking, but if it has to check unnecessary files and deal with a clogged hard drive its going to be even slower I think?


Problems I had.

Took a long time to shut down, BSOD sometimes and sometimes wouldn’t shut down.

Took a log time to start up and sometimes gave error messages.

IE would partially load the page then hang for a long time then load and sometimes it would partially load and get stuck there.

Run time error C++ on loading windows a few times then stuck on run time error C++ and would not load into windows.

Error messages with lots of zeros in them.

Sometimes the computer would freeze.

Could not paste to DVD disc drive it just made a ping sound.

As well as some other problems.


Reverting back to NIS 2012 will when you up date take you to the position you are now with 2013 as far as I know.  In the past I have purchased NIS 2011 as a disc in the last part of 2012 the software that protects the system is in the updates and the first activation can be around 200 megabytes.  The disc probably has the platform for NIS to update on.







Thanks to all for the help,


NIS 2013 is on and more importantly my pc is back to normal.




- About 11/04 installed retail copy of NIS 2013 from cd

- During install process notified by installer that previous version 2012 not uninstalled so use Norton Removal Tool to remove it.

- Abandoned install and used NRT, rebooted

- Reinstalled NIS 2013 from cd, [During install informed that Malwarebytes not compatible so I agreed to uninstall that]

- Ran LiveUpdate, NIS working fine, but system seemed slow.

- Reboot----> first BSOD

- Force shutdown, Startup slow, IE slow, etc

- Eventually follow advice to remove NIS with Ctrl Panel, reboot

- Use NRT, reboot

NOTE--->on restart no BSOD

- Reinstall NIS2013 from cd, return of BSOD on reboot

- Ran Autofix (found and fixed 30+ errors)

- Download and run Spybot and SuperAntispyware which each find and fix 30-40 low level threats. Steam working well after this.

- On shutdown No BSOD but computer freezes in desktop (remains the problem until solved)

- Run Chkdsk, most things apparently repaired

- Gather minidump files for examination (not needed)

- Run Scannow. Examine CBS.log - with help from Google learn that the unfixed areas fairly common with Vista and not serious (printer related)


- Following advice backup registry with regedit and

- Run CCleaner registry cleaner - CCleaner report identifies (amongst others) .dll files relating to Norton which it tells me are sometimes not properly uninstalled and are left behind. I agree to delete/fix all these areas.

- On shutdown/restart no freeze or BSOD !

- Pc so far back to normal


I really think all the advice given was useful here. The lesson is perhaps to properly uninstall your previous version of NIS with Ctrl Panel first, then with NRT. Also perform regular virus/ file/ program and registry scans (particularly the latter in my case).


I am not tech savvy so it was important getting advice from you all, thanks again.



DoubleFix wrote:

I really think all the advice given was useful here. The lesson is perhaps to properly uninstall your previous version of NIS with Ctrl Panel first, then with NRT. Also perform regular virus/ file/ program and registry scans (particularly the latter in my case).


FWIW,  Sometime in the past - like probably 1 1/2 years ago there was a rash of CD/DVD failures.  It was summarized part of the problem was running the Norton Removal Tool without first uninstalling the product via the Control Panel first.  The general consensus was that removing the product via control Panel - stopped all the drivers associated with the product (GEAR drivers come to mind).  Using the NRT without the prior install "ripped the product" from the system and left the drivers running in some cases.  So there is a past history to support removal via Control Panel first.


Also while on the topic - the latest versions of the Norton Removal Tool do not need to be run more than once (as had been the suggested practice in the past). 


Hello yank


That makes some sense. In previous years the NIS retail came with a chunkier manual which warned you "we strongly recommend you remove other antivirus software before installation", with a "Quick Start" (presumably for Norton "vets") on the back.

This year the manual was only comprised of a slim "Quick Start" which does not suggest manually removing other antiviruses (including previous versions). This is partly where I went wrong. Norton probably ought to provide more thorough instructions for those using the cd though I suppose they are simply trying to encourage us to renew it digitally direct from them, bypassing retailers. I will probably do this in future, depending on the price.

Hi Norton Community,


My celebrations were premature ! For a day or two my pc was back to normal, but the freeze-on-shutdown issue has returned ( when I shutdown/restart my pc it freezes in desktop and I have to force shutdown).

Having tried most or all of the suggestions here, bar reinstalling my OS, all I know is that, having installed and reinstalled NIS 2013 numerous times now, having run various spyware/anitviruses, run numerous scans and tried cleaning my files and registry, I only get the problem when NIS 2013 is installed. To be more precise: when I uninstall NIS 2013 via Ctrl Panel the freeze still happens, but after I run the  Norton Removal Tool my pc is back to normal.

Now I plan to revert to NIS 2012 which worked fine, hopefully it still will. Maybe I will find out if the problem is with a NIS 2013 incompatibility or with an update, but it would be hard to justify renewing NIS next year after this problem,


Thank you



Hi DoubleFix

I’d try running the software you did before and the other tasks as it had some affect, and if it makes a difference try staying off the web for a couple of days longer than it took for the problems to return. But use the computer for a similar amount of time if you can.  Then go back on the web and if the problems arise again it may have something to do with the web.  That could be some sort of bug from where you are clicking or something involved in the system operating when connected to the web. 

With NIS have you tried loading it getting updates then putting the disc in again and following the instructions, as that’s what I did?  I can remember it asking if I want to install a new Norton product and if I wanted to keep the old settings.  The NRT that you’ve used I don’t know if its separate software or not but I’ve read somewhere on the Norton community website that from 2009 Norton has a mini NRT on the disc.  Don’t give up you got there once.

I’ve reread your thread and I can’t see there if you have defragmented your hard drive yet?

Instead of shutting the computer down you can set it to sleep mode, (use help and support from the start menu) its safe to do this check it out on the web.









Hi DoubleFix,


Sorry to hear you are back where you started from - perhaps the following may help - it has helped otheres when the normal clean install failed.  Also if you desire to revert back to NIS 2012 and need guidance - let us know.


Please open Run by pressing windows key + R -> devmgmt.msc -> View ShowHidden devices -> open Non-Plug and Play Drivers-> Maximize the Screen


If you have a identity safe data back it up ->


Go to Control panel uninstall NIS ->select the second option to


completely uninstall ->restart -> Run Norton Removal Tool -> Restart ->


Go to the screenshot page -> if you find   NAVENG, NAVEX15, Norton Antivirus settings manager, starting from Symantec


Data Store to SymEvent (entries starting with Sym)  ->right click on them


click uninstall -> For the Restart prompts select no -> Go to Program files


if you find Norton Folder delete it -> Goto Run ->type temp ->Delete all


the files in there -> Run -> %temp% ->delete all ->Now Restart the PC -


>Install NIS ->Run Live Update until you get no updates found


message ->restart PC  


Let us know how it went for you.

Thank you yank


I will try your advice. If that doesn't work can I reinstall NIS 2012 from my old disk ? and how do I prevent it from updating to NIS 2013 ?


My pc seems especially sluggish since I reinstalled NIS 2013 last week,



Hi Double Fix,


If the Disk you have is a 2012 disk, you can install from there.  However, the first thing I would do once it is installed and before I ran any LiveUpdates to bring it up to date would be to go in to Setings >  Computer Tab > Updates > Set Automatic Download of New Version to OFF.  This will permit you to run LiveUpdate (rebooting as required) until such time as LiveUpdate responds "no updates found" with out NIS trying to upgrade itself to the new versin 20 (2013 product). 


Using your old disk will make you have to run many updates and do much downloading.  I would suggest you use the following to download NIS 2012  in lieu of using your old disk - this will still require LiveUpdate - but not as many nor as much to download.