bsp_05 = Trojan or Virus?



I've been trying to get rid of this thing for days, and like many, comes right back.

On boot, after login, and as soon as the desktop appears three DOS screens run very quickly, one after the other and close. Can't figure out how to capture what is on the screens before they close. But I can see enough that all 3 are the bsp_05 problem. It starts too soon to try a video screen capture.


It is located in C:\Users\aname\AppData\Roaming


Tracking it, I get the following:

USADD blank - C:\Users\aname\AppData\Roaming\bsp_05.exe

FNADD bsp_05.exe - C:\Users\aname\AppData\Roaming - (continues next line)

Visual Basic Command Line Compiler - 8.0.50727.4016 plus - Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 


I've gone through the entire registry and removed anything with the filename.

Ran Norton 2012 (always updated), and Malwware bytes (full version)


Each time a delete is tried, the warning that "no permission to access..." and yes, I've Admin access.

It is in MSCONFIG, and that was the first place it was removed before the Reg edit.


No brute force removal worked. Had been able to rename it at one point, but after a second or 2 it reappears.

Can't disable it in Service/Processes. Doesn't show up in Services manager.


I have 4.5 Terabytes of drives, all with loads of data. It took Norton 13 hours to go through just 450 Gig!


On boot, after login, and as soon as the desktop appears three DOS screens run very quickly, one after the other and close. Can't figure out how to capture what is on the screens before they close.



My system:


Vista Home Premium  32bit 2.3Ghz dual core.

2 x 1Tb drives

1 x 2Tb drive

1 x 500 Gig


 Any ideas?


p.s. Don't waste your time with Googoyle... has no related info.