PLease help me with the following. I have received the update to NIS 2010 and while it has stopped the OUTLOOK Express from going into "working offline" mode, it has not resolved the issues also related to this where the email settings that allow for outlook to automatically send and receive at startup are disabled. If I enable the option for one logon userid and then switch to another login id, outlook setting for the original id get reset to disable the auto send and receive option. This problem TOTALLY goes away as soon as I disable ANTISPAM. I have been waiting for 5 plus months on this fix and it's still not complete. Symantec is quickly losing credibility as a antivirus provider and needs to make this right. ALL users subscriptions should be extended by the number of months it takes to provide us with a fully operation and advertised product that offers us all security, protection and the piece of mind we paid for.
Every owner of NIS2010 needs to send a message to Symantec and ask "When will we get what we paid for?"