I've been using Norton 360 for the last 3 years on all 3 of my computers and have loved it. Now, on my main computer, it stopped working. I can't open it and it won't do a recovery. All I get is "c:\Program FIles (x86)\Norton 3360\Engine64\\uiStub.exe Unspecified error".
I tried downloading and running the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool
I've been using Norton 360 for the last 3 years on all 3 of my computers and have loved it. Now, on my main computer, it stopped working. I can't open it and it won't do a recovery. All I get is "c:\Program FIles (x86)\Norton 3360\Engine64\\uiStub.exe Unspecified error".
I tried downloading and running the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool
If you can uninstall manually from Windows Control Panel, do so and restart. Run the Norton Removal Tool and restart. Install your fresh copy.
If you can't manually uninstall it from Windows Control Panel, try using the Norton Removal Tool.
If you can't get Norton Removal Tool to run you may need to uninstall in Safe Mode.
Start your system in Safe Mode (tapping F8 on startup). Uninstall your copy of N360, restart. Run the Norton Removal Tool and restart. You should be able to install the fresh copy.
Remember to run Live Update, restarting where required, until no more updates are available.
You are entitled to upgrade to the latest version, N360v20, free of charge while your subscription is current. If you'd like to upgrade we can give you steps to do this.