Hi I have created a ghost image of a hard drive with a older Noton Ghost product, I am not sure what version. It creating an image that has a gho extension. Is there any way that I can use Norton Ghost 15.0 to open an older version of a ghost backup. I desparately need to extract files from this ghost image. I wish I knew what version the ghost created this image as none of the ghost explorer programs I used was able to open the file. I tried ghost explorer 2003 and 11 both were unable to open the file. With version 11 I get a message saying: Please select the file for the last segment for in this image file. The selection I am given has a ghost image extension of GHS, 0. When I created the image I did not have a file with a GHS extension. When I created this image it said it successfully created the image but I did not test it at the time. The only file it created was one large 50 gb file that has a gho extension and when I used Ghost explorer 11 to open it, the application is looking for a ghs file for the last segment. When I cancel out of this I get an errror: "Corruption in image file or media not present. Not all files shown. "
Does this mean that I am using the wrong version of explorer? If so where can I get a new version of explorer, or can Ghost 15.0 open this file? I do have a paid version of Ghost 15, but do not have a copy of any of the other version including the copy that created the ghost image. The image was created on a 500 gb, external drive and showed up as only one gho file.
I just need to extract some files out of this image, even if the image is damaged I want to extract as much as I can from this image. So please help.
I did try to run chkdsk d: /f /v /r It did find some errors and was able to clean up the disk.
The consumer versions of Ghost like Ghost 15 do not support that type of image, it uses .v2i image files.
You need Ghost 2003 or Ghost 11 like you already tried on it.
It must have been a spanned image (more than one part), the first part has the .GHO extention, the next has the .GHS extention with the S standing for "Spanned".
Take your Ghostexp.exe from version 11 and try opening the image file with these switches.
(Put a copy of the exe on your D drive next to the image file and use the command line.)
Unfortunately that does not work as I get the same message Please slect the file for the last segment in the image file. When I run ghost explorer 11 in windows and when I run Ghost explorer in the command line using the -ignoreindex and -corrupt switches I get the same popup window looking for the ghs file, which does not exist on the image that was created.
It "should" restore the image from the start, when it hits the end of the image file and asks for the second part, everything up to that point "should" be already written to the disk and recoverable with chkdsk.
If that doesn't work I suggest posting for help in the Symantec forum. (The Norton forum here is for consumer products, that version of Ghost is still being used for enterprise and is now called "Ghost Solution Suite".
The most knowlegable person in the world for that version of Ghost is a former developer named Nigel Bree and he is very active in the forum and always willing to help.