__ Can Ghost 15 resize boot partition on W2K8 Server?

Windows 2008 Server, I need to migrate NTFS boot/system partition to a new physical disk (and I've used Ghost for many years for this kind of thing).  However, I also need to make the partition BIGGER... thanks to the gazillion patches that MSFT pushes my way, the partition is overcrowded.  I have Ghost 15.  Will it do this for me?  Again... this is W2K SERVER, which such tools as Partition Magic balk at because they want me to use their high $$ server license version.  Sadly, this machine is simply a desktop machine I bought from Dell years ago, which was accidentally loaded by them with Server instead of Workstation... and I've been beat up by this "server versus workstation" license over and over and over because of it (ie, installing some app that balks because it reads OS version and sees it's server and halts) :(


Thanks in advance.