can I use a NIS serial number to install Norton Antivirus ?



Unfortunately, some weeks ago, one of my employees purchased the NIS 5-user pack instead a Norton Antivirus multi-user pack. I didn't realized it until a couple of days ago. The problem is that I don't need the extra features that NIS has over Norton Antivirus, because those computers don't have Internet access. I just need an antivirus to protect them from pendrives, CD/DVD or external hard drives threats. Also those computers aren't very new, so despite I disable the extra features of NIS, NIS still consumes much more resources than Norton Antivirus. 


So my question is, can I use the same NIS serial number to install Norton Antivirus ?


I know Norton Antivirus is cheaper, and I'm not asking for a refund or something. I know it was my fault, I'm just trying to fix it.


Thanks in advance.
