i am french
i have install norton security 2010 on my 4 computers
it is great but ...
i have a "old" computer with a single processeur pentium and windows xp
first problem
i think that N2010scan start, when if i am in a stop game (pause)
and when i become to my station, the computer was stopped (numlock not available)
and i must make reset
second problem
a few minutes when i start my computer, the liveupdate start
and i take 99% of my processeur, so i wait....
can we change hour option of liveupdate ???
i suggest that the liveupdate start when i make nothing on my computer
is it possible ???
problem 3
i play on facebook, N2010scan found a cookie tracker every day
and i see a red message every day,
but in the N2010event , this problem is not very bad
have a red message every day is not good
have a red message when then event is red, is more good