Can you Help Me PORT FORWARD 3389 alongside Norton Internet Security 2013 Build


i am Tryin 2 Port forward 3389 ;)


i have opened all Ports in my router and i have Set All the Security Policies in Windows 7 pro sp1 Release candiate 4 x64bit MSDN .iso


PLZ Help me STEP by Step with Enabling and PROPERLY opening 3389 for .rdp


plz Explain EVERY bit of step with XTREME Precise Detail




i cant Get ANYTHING done ;'(


thank you


dean pepler


p.s i dont understand. the Option to "allow connections and from this computer"


PLZ HELP!!!!!111


i am Tryin 2 Port forward 3389 ;)


i have opened all Ports in my router and i have Set All the Security Policies in Windows 7 pro sp1 Release candiate 4 x64bit MSDN .iso


PLZ Help me STEP by Step with Enabling and PROPERLY opening 3389 for .rdp


plz Explain EVERY bit of step with XTREME Precise Detail




i cant Get ANYTHING done ;'(


thank you


dean pepler


p.s i dont understand. the Option to "allow connections and from this computer"


PLZ HELP!!!!!111


NO i meant to Say HELP with Manual Firewall settings


i have Set my firewall to Manually Ask for permission :D


if you could help me ;)


i have used the Um....... Microsoft Fix it for 3389 which forces the 3389 open even if a Program is BLOCKING.


but Still no Avail


PLZ help!!!!!!1111111




Dean Pepler


 P.s Change the Attached File to .rdp format :D - PEPLER-8bc8a806

Are you getting error messages from Norton or Windows when you try to use RDP? 


Which computer are you trying to configure? The one being connected To, or From?


Why are you trying to manually control this when the Norton Smart Firewall does this on its own?





I just Cant seem to Get my pc to Accept My username and password :robotmad:


Username: ADMIN [during Windows logon}

PASSWORD: ******* {Personal Secret}

DeanPepler wrote:


I just Cant seem to Get my pc to Accept My username and password :robotmad:


Username: ADMIN [during Windows logon}

PASSWORD: ******* {Personal Secret}

If it is giving your the prompt for the username and password, you have access to the other computer. You need to check the sharing and remote access to the computer you are trying to access.