Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Hello ProTruckDriver,
I did not have any problem getting into my account. Did you try what Stu suggested?
Did you beta test? If you did, you would have two accounts, maybe even more. Are you using the current log-in email address as a regular user (not beta)? The new password would be sent to that email address. Are you sure the email isn't ending up in the spam folder or being blocked?
I am using IE-7 browser, I cleaned the cache, rebooted still can’t get into account. I did not beta test. Still no e-mail on new password that Norton was to send. E-mail is not in spam and is not blocking. Maybe Norton took the weekend off ! lol.
Hey ProTruckDriver,
Sometimes it's the simple things. Take this the right way, but is there any chance you had your "Caps Lock" on?
I'd try resending the request for "Forgot Password" and see what happens.
If that fails, maybe try Live Chat.
Caps were unlocked and also tried with Identity Safe to log into account yesterday and today. I’ll try resending the request for “Forgot Password” and see where it goes from there. Any idea how long it takes Norton to respond with a password ?
I think it’s automated, so I should think rather quickly.
There is another possibility. And I just tested it.
I made up a new screenname I've never used before and selected "forgot your password" at the Symantec log-on. Symantec accepted it without comment, but send nothing to that address.
Read their comment:
You will receive a temporary password in a message sent to mynewscreenname@myservice provided that your Norton Account exists with the same email address.
Notice the words "... provided that your Norton Account exists with the same email address."
In other words, no account at that email address==>no response at that email address AND no information at this point that it doesn't exist. This keeps people from checking to find out which email addresses are viable and which ones aren't. Great security.
My hunch is that you are entering an email address that is not the one associated with your account.
My account was under @aol.com about 4 years ago. I sent "forgot your password" at the address and Norton replied with a temp password. (no products are listed in the @aol.com account). I then tried "forgot your password" in my present active account that was listing Key to NIS 2009.( this account is listed under @cox.net.) Received no e-mail from Norton. I then tried to make new account. I filled out the form using my same active e-mail address and password (@cox.net) and bingo! That signed me on. BUT, no products are listed under that account either. I should not have been able to make a new account using the existing accounts information. Bottom line, I think Norton misplaced my account with the Key to NIS 2009.
Is your key the only issue (at least for the moment)?
If so, don't you have the key for the NIS2008 you replaced with 2009? If so, it would be the same key. Do you have the CD for that product?
I have the key recorded and saved from 2008/09 NIS, so there is no problem there. I’m just wondering where my account went that I had last week that recorded the Key and is not there now. I’ll give them a call tomorrow and ask, this should be interesting. I’ll give you a update on my" vanishing before my eyes" account.
OK Mr. Norton, you may have improved on your product NIS 2009, BUT YOUR BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING NEED TO BE LOOKED AT. The reason I never got any emails back from Norton is because the email for my account was changed to a email I have never heard of. So my Norton account was being sent to a unknown to me. Not to secure. I have just finished live chat with Norton a few minutes ago and that is what I found out.
I have tried yesterday and today to access my Norton account and I get " You have typed the wrong E-mail or password. Please try again". I have the right password and E-mail entered. As a last resort I also clicked “Forgot your Password” and sent that yesterday, which probably changed my password but I never received a E-mail from Norton stating so. Is the Norton account closed down for the weekend? Is there anyone else with this problem?
Now this bothers me. How did they know that you were the owner of the account if wasn't linked to any of your screennames? How did they even find it?
I had to verify the order number and my address then they put my Key# back into my account. But I would still like to know WHY and HOW my personal information that I have on my account went to another email address without Norton notifing me of a change of email address.
I can't explain how a stranger's email address got entered (both in the original blank and the verification blank), but it's real easy to get other email addresses inserted. Over the past year, using Identity Safe, I inadvertantly clicked okay on a form that turned out to have been filled in with my wife's data. Easy to fix, but I sure felt stupid.
And then there was even stupider. Sometimes I'm so lazy you can't tell the difference between me and a radish -- the kind of laziness that usually results in extra work. In this case, I decided to copy my email address which was on a piece of email and then c&p it twice instead of typing in into two fields. Well, I was in a hurry and the copy didn't take, so I ended up c&p-ing someone else's email address, one I had just copied into an address book. But as I said, I was in a hurry, and hit okay without checking.
Doesn't help you, but at least it gives you someone to laugh at.
I would like to respectfully request that a Symantec Employee send me by PM the telephone number to the department that takes care of Accounting so that I could investigate this situation further since there is a lot of personal information in My Norton Account. Thank you.
The only thing that should be in your "norton Account" are the keys used to activate your product and your name and email. No cc information should be there.
ProTruckDriver wrote:
I would like to respectfully request that a Symantec Employee send me by PM the telephone number to the department that takes care of Accounting so that I could investigate this situation further since there is a lot of personal information in My Norton Account. Thank you.
Hi ProTruckDriver,
Our team will be contacting you shortly to investigate this Norton Account issue further. Thanks!
Thank you Tony for the response, I’ll be waiting for the team to contact me.