Cannot get incremental backups to work in Ghost 15



I have Norton Ghost 15, a 500Gb hard drive on my Windows 7 laptop (PC) and a 2Tb external hard drive.  What I was hoping to do with Ghost is the following (numbers are made up for illustration):


From a fresh reformat of my PC,


i)                    Restore my PC to a position with which I am perfectly happy with it

ii)                   Take an ‘image’ of my PC at this point, so, if necessary, I could restore to this point at a later date.  Let us suppose the files on my PC amount to ½ the PCs hard drive (so, 250Gb).  Therefore, when I have taken my system image, I would expect approx. 250Gb of my external drive to be used.  This image is a ‘one-off’ snapshot of my PC.

iii)                 Then, every week, back up anything that has been added to my PC since the initial image was taken.  Suppose I add another 10Gb per week.  Then, after a total of 175 weeks after the snapshot was taken, my 2Tb hard drive would be full.


Now, I have been taken through the process twice by a Norton expert by them taking control of my PC and each time the software has not actually done this.  The first time, I missed a backup date and there was some subsequent problem which messed everything up for me.  The second time, the initial snapshot was taken, but afterwards, each subsequent ‘backup’ used more space on my external drive.  So, I think each backup was a full image of my PC.


Does anyone actually know how to do what I wish to do properly?


So, to recap


  1. Day 1: I set my PC how I want it
  2. Day 1: Full PC backup (image file created of entire laptop contents)
  • External hard drive used by 250Gb

3.   Day 8: Incremental backup of anything added since Day 1

  • External hard drive used by 260Gb
4.  Day 15: Incremental backup of anything added since Day 8
  • External hard drive used by 270Gb

5.  Day 22: Incremental backup of anything added since Day 15


  • External hard drive used by 280Gb
