Like several other people that seem to have had this same problem, I'm new to web site creation and am having problems getting safeweb to verify my website.
I have tried putting the authorisation file given into the root directory on my website:
but when I click the verification button on safeweb it keeps telling me verification has failed.
So I've now deleted that file from my root directory and have now entered the authorisation code as a meta tag in my sites index file, but once again clicking the verification button on the safeweb site fails to verify my website.
I've left the meta tag in place. It is immediately under <head> and just above a similar verification file for Google. The latter one seems to have worked okay as my site has been verified by Google, but the Norton one is not working for some reason.
The meta tag reads:
<meta name="norton-safeweb-site-verification" content="my128 digit code"/>
Could you let me know what I'm doing wrong?
Many thanks.