Cannot install lastest version of NOF

Hi everyone,

NOF site is online: it show me a popup about necessary update of NOF client but when I click “download” ->

Not Found

The requested URL /downloads/client/windows/NortonFamily.exe was not found on this server.

same; wont work for me either :(

Same exact problem here.

hi axios, runandwrite, itolman and norton family parents,


i'm the product manager for norton family and we just went live with our latest version of the service.


thank you so much for the feedback and letting us know you can't install the latest client --we're looking into this and will post a message to this thread soon.  just to confirm, it's for your windows PCs right?


thanks yvonne


In my case, yes; all my PC's are Windows (XP and 7 x64) when the latest version of NOF are ready ??


Thanks !!




Yes; Windows Vista 64bit Ultimate

Hi All... I just download the latest version of NOF successfully, I'll to install it on my PC's and see what happens.


Thanks YG and all the Admins.


Regards !



I'm not the most computer literate so I am glad it's not just me.

You may find....


Sorry, An error has occured on the server.

"Sorry, An Error has occurred on the Server"  - me too


More like an error has occurred in the judgement of anyone who thought tha Symantec could be trusted to provide any kind of service....  


This is a SHAMBLES - Online Family has been down for days - with no information, no warnings,  it has broken on my old PCs, would not uninstall.


Has anyone at Norton heard of the concept of TESTING an upgrade, of INFORMING users of what is hapenning.


Despite this morning's message about the upgarde being complete it clearly is not.


I have lost six hours of my life trying to sort this mess out.


Norton - there are FREE products out there - I have bought your AV product because I expect better thaht this.


In summary here were my issues:


1)   Outage was announced on , an update posted 7th November - stating that maintenence had started on the 6th - unless I am mistakenand can't count  - that is not advance warning in any shape or form.

2)   Was sometimes unable to extend my children's time on the system - no indication of this was given in the maintenance announcement.

3)  On the 8th November we receive a further update to say maintenance is extending

4)  From 9th onwards various functions work - but there are issues....

     a)  When trying to register a new PCs it would not register - no information provided as to why.  I successfully log into the Online Portal but continually get messages about needing to upgrade the version of the software on older PCs that were registered - with a download link t the new software which is broken.   I get this message even though I am not logged on to any these PCs.  In my case I was logged on to clean PC I was building for a few weeks which also had the wrong version on - but the website did not detect this.  And this annoying window pops up and has to be cleared after every submit made on the website

     b)  I go back to the old PC but I cannot uninstall the old version - the remove icon has gone for some reason.  Trying with add Remove programmes just gives no response after clicking on Uninstall - a few busy mouse moments then nothing.  I google to see if others have same issue - and read about removing a folder from the Prog Files/Norton Installer.

    c)  Decide to go back to the new PC and manually upgrade that to the latest version - which I download using the link in NIS - which unlike the one on the portal site actually works.  I follow the special unistall options just to be safe.  The upgrade works so I believe I actually have the latest version of Online family installed (at least I think so - no version information has been published to make this something I can check).   I am able to register the new PC (whilst dealing with the stupid pop up message about the old PCs

    d)  Then go back to old PCs - these cannot connect to NOF - it seems that the upgrades to the servers are making all old versions unusable - if this was the case then Norton have some serious explaining to do - if the new version of the server software has killed all the old ones and the did not give advance warning - I would expect some serious repercussions for the management who oversaw that.  I appreciate this might just be intermitted connection issues - BECAUSE - even though it seemed like the system was up - it was actually not up yet (according to this morning's messages)

   e)  Cannot complete the uninstal even withe speical remove instruction - some advice on the communities suggests that an upgrade would work instead.  Try this and it seems to work - however, when completing the final stage of registration I am told that there is already a PC with that name on the system - OF COURSE THERE IS - I just did an upgrade!  So I try to log into the portal to delete the PC with same name - at this point I get the same error as huan_y.

5)  This morning we are told maintenance is complete - but from about 00.00 GMT last night we cannot log in to the portal.


Position Now

1)   Oldest PC - upgraded but not able to register

2)  Seond Oldes PC - old version still

3)  New PC one - probably latest version (downloaded via link in NIS) - but not registered

4)  New PC two - probably latest version (downloaded via link in NIS) - but not registered


Cannot log in to portal with same mesasge as huan_y.  


Oh and for some reason I always have to click twice on "Sign In" before it brings up the login box - wonder why that is.  Also my password is being cached somewhere - perhaps in NIS?   This I don't want because sometimes my kids do use my PC logged on as me (they get reprimanded when they do) but I don't want them to be able to log into the portal with cached credentials)


See my other posts to the similar threads for my views on what has gone wrong here at Norton - let's use this this mainly as a the technical thread where we can hopefully get some answers.... I know I didn't manage to keep all the emotions out of this one - but let's try and keep this one technical going forwards,


Installation is now ok. But I cannot login.

I have same here in UK

Can someone - please mark this as Not Solved - since you can't register the new version - therefore I'd say it's still broken?

madmuso wrote:

Can someone - please mark this as Not Solved - since you can't register the new version - therefore I'd say it's still broken?

This thread was about downloading and installing. And is solved because the file was downloaded and installed.

About login problem there is another thread:

Not really - even when you could log in you got an error saying that the PC was already registered with the same name - but let's stick with the other thread for both issues as I suggest - I put this information in there too.

when I try to sign in I still get this message:


"Sorry, An error has occurred on the server."

I also started receiving that error this morning. This experience, I have to say, is extremely frustrating and unacceptable, really.

Now my son (on a PC I refer to above as New PC2) cannot connect at all - Internet has slowed to a halt...


Also when trying to disable and I log in - I get message "this machines is part of different nortoma family acdount".  Which it definately is not.


Uninstall about to be done.

@madmuso unfortunatly as you can not log on Norton, you can not uninstall NOF.

Several topics have been started, related to this same issue .


Good luck !

If you disconnect from network it will allow you to do it.  I did have to type in my username and password - but I wonder if it really checked it!