Cannot install Norton

I bought the antivirus to clean a computer I bought from my old university. I am no longer connected to the university but it asks me for this password prompt. Any way around this? If not, I can’t install the Norton anti-virus. Other installations (for example, I recently downloaded the Moises app) don’t ask me this. My
old university does not have any passwords to give me. Thank you!

@Kath198445 I'm following up to see if your issue was resolved and if we can assist further.


Other things to note are, the account you are logging into Windows with MUST be an account with admin privileges. Otherwise any changes will still present the admin block you are seeing. That may even be the case when you attempt to change the settings mentioned. If that is the case, either your previous university IT must provide you with the credentials OR, you should backup anything you wish to retain and perform a clean installation of Windows. That may be an issue with activation as well since the Windows install you have is most likely tied to authentication from the university and its activation servers.


Thank you so much, I’ll try to change the domain and see if it works!

Hello Kath198445. The Windows installation on the computer you have has been locked by an IT admin username and password from the domain YUSTAFF from your university. They set this using Windows Group policy, I would NOT suggest that you or anyone not an IT professional tamper with group policies. If they are using an outside third party management for their IT services, that entity should provide you with the credentials. Otherwise THEIR IT department should provide.

You can change the "domain" in Windows settings, there isn't a guarantee that would remove the admin login for software to install. Here is how to change the domain in Windows:

** Step # 3 - Rename the device to say Kath-PC

   Step # 6 - Rename the domain to - MSHOME

Restart the computer.


domain admin password.png


Here is a picture of it