Cannot verify ownership on Safe Web w/ Office Live website

Re:  Safe Web Security Ratings and problems with ownership verification


Note: This is a problem that has been posted a number of times by a number of other users and as the posts have all been handled one at a time rather than by solving the bigger picture, this issue will continue to be posted again and again until Norton provides a better solution.


The problem:  Cannot access root directory on Office Live websites and thus ownership cannot be verified.  If ownership cannot be verified, site cannot be tested.  Safe Web does not provide any means of requesting a review or provide access to customer service to help resolve this problem.


The only solution (as can be verified by reviewing other posts):  Complain about it here.  That's it.  That is the only possible solution as indicated by the resolution of the previous posts.


So here I am complaining about it.  Yes I know it wastes other peoples time but this is the course that Norton dictates.


So if this post somehow gets noticed by a moderator with any pull, please put in the que to be reviewed.  The metatag has been inserted on the first page.


If this post is noticed by a moderator with even more pull, please get Norton to provide a more direct means to resolving this problem on the Safe Web review site.  As the posts here indicate this problem is not limited only to those with Office Live web sites, a more direct means of access could save a whole lotta people, a whole lotta time and a whole lotta wasted posts.


Thank you for your assistance.



Thank you for your assistance.  I tried adding the enhanced string to the top and bottom of the first page and also adding it as a metatag per the instructions you included in your response.  I still can't get past the ownership verification check and thus cannot get through to Norton to get a site review.  (I have since removed the one from the top of the page as it oblitterated the page title.)


If you have any other suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.

Re:  Safe Web Security Ratings and problems with ownership verification


Note: This is a problem that has been posted a number of times by a number of other users and as the posts have all been handled one at a time rather than by solving the bigger picture, this issue will continue to be posted again and again until Norton provides a better solution.


The problem:  Cannot access root directory on Office Live websites and thus ownership cannot be verified.  If ownership cannot be verified, site cannot be tested.  Safe Web does not provide any means of requesting a review or provide access to customer service to help resolve this problem.


The only solution (as can be verified by reviewing other posts):  Complain about it here.  That's it.  That is the only possible solution as indicated by the resolution of the previous posts.


So here I am complaining about it.  Yes I know it wastes other peoples time but this is the course that Norton dictates.


So if this post somehow gets noticed by a moderator with any pull, please put in the que to be reviewed.  The metatag has been inserted on the first page.


If this post is noticed by a moderator with even more pull, please get Norton to provide a more direct means to resolving this problem on the Safe Web review site.  As the posts here indicate this problem is not limited only to those with Office Live web sites, a more direct means of access could save a whole lotta people, a whole lotta time and a whole lotta wasted posts.


Thank you for your assistance.

Hello jrrjr,


Rather than have you go back and do more editing, I will see if the Norton Safe Web team can verify ownership based upon what you already have in place.


Allow them a day or two to respond back to you in this thread.


Once ownership has been verified, your site will be queued for the rating evaluation.


Be sure the code remains in place until ownership is verified. Once ownership has been verified, you can remove the code from your site.





Again, thank you for your assistance.





Hi jrrjr

Thanks for adding the auth code in a meta tag on your site. We have verified owership of your site '' based on the meta tag.

We have queued this site for analysis, soon new rating will be reflected in
