Yesterday morning (8/28), NIS 2009 (version running on quad-core PC w/Vista 64-bit) prompted me to remove some suspicious files. Unfortunately, I did not stop to copy them down, though I think they all had the same name.
Shortly there after, I could not access Firefox (said unable to find js3250.dll) and other programs, including Norton Internet Security (says Norton Protection Center UI Stub has stopped working). The desktop short cut appears accurately named and when I tried to run uiStub.exe from Program (x86)\Norton Internet Security\Engine\\ directory, I received the same message. When I try to run IE, I get a message stating, "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage," and am give the option to "Diagnose Connection Problems." When I click on this, Windows Network Diagnostics informs me that, "Windows did not find any problems with this computer's network connection."
When trying to run Safari, I was informed, "This application has failed to start because GrooveUtil.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. I was under the impression that this dll was part of MS Office and so I can't figure out why Safari would be affected by this.
I also received messages (in addition to those above - which also appear on start up now) stating, that setpoint32.exe couldn't run due to not being able to locate gamehook.dll and that the following programs have stopped working: Catalyst Control Center, Download manager for Audible content, and Acrobat Distiller.
I was able to get Firefox working by reinstalling it, which apparently re-installed js3250.dll, however, this hasn't impacted the other programs and I'm wondering if it was the files NIS removed or if it was a NIS update that caused all this and more importantly, how do I get things back to normal and virus-free?