can't create identity safe login for website

running nis 2010 and xpsp3 and IE8


- trying to setup identity safe autologin for and


- identity safe does not do the auto setup for username/password for either website (doesn't ask for anything and I am logged into my profile)


- had to hardcode the pandora sign in page url info manually to make it work.  auto setup did not work.

- tried the same thing for slacker. hardcoding the info in did not work.  item was locked (no blue sphere to the left ot item).  auto setup did not work.


any ideas?




how can I force identity safe to go through the auto setup for a new webpage if it doesn't give me the new web page dialogue?

how can I force identity safe to go through the auto setup for an older page to let me re-enter new login information?


went to IE8 and check boxed all my content and cleared everything.

went into windowasher and washed my system.

re-invoked the IE8 browser and went back to web page I wanted to setup.  nothing no dialogue.


any ideas?




I have told IE8 not to remember my password/username for different sites.  this is the first time I had a couple of sites that I wouldn't mind an autologin for (I would use identity safe for listening to radio stations but not sure I would want it for financial or email account logins).  somebody could still swipe my laptop.