Can't delete any files from the backup set. Says there are 0 files

First time user of the Online Storage Backup using Norton 360 (even though I have had it almost a year now).

So I tried to backup around 2 Gig of data to online storage and it failed (and failed again on a re-try) with a communication error of some sort (after like an hour of transferring data, twice). I will call this Backup Set #1. Now I am not even wanting to deal with this communication error problem yet till I get the current problem solved first (just needed to indicate how I got into this problem).  So then I decided to try a smaller backup and see if it would work. The smaller backup set (I will call Backup Set #2) worked fine. So I then I thought maybe to just use smaller backup sets. I went to delete Backup Set #1 and there was a selection to delete the backed up files. Not sure what backed up files meant (does that mean the ones online or the files on my hard-drive that got backed up) so I did not select the delete the backed up files option and instead just deleted the Backup Set #1.

After playing around I realized I was out of Online Storage space and needed to delete the files in Backup Set #1.

Now here is the current problem I want solved, when I use the Backup Manager Client and go to the Manage Backup Sets->Where (Online)->Delete Backed up Files I can see the Backup Set #1 (that I deleted) in the Drop Down box and so I select it, but then there is nothing there to delete. It just says No items found

So how do I get rid of these online files that are using up all my online space. I can go online and see all the files there (and actually downloaded one of the files from Backup Set #1), but since I am using Norton 360, I found from this Forum you can't do a purge going thru the Online Backup access stuff (which took me like 3 hours to figure out). 

Can anyone help this frustrated user.

-Don (frustrated user, who will probably create another thread on this communication error once I can go back to it after I get this problem solved)