Hello; I am trying ti delete a couple of files form my PC and I think Norton is preventing me from doing that.
They are x86 program files. I am trying to delete two of the files from the program and when I delete from one folder and try to copy to another folder, my PC overwrites them so they aren't completely deleted. In short, I have two files I am trying to delete from a foder and Norton is preventing that.
Hmm...I'm not seeing anything in what you've written that would suggest it's Norton not letting you delete them. Is it possible that you've encountered some kind of malware? How long have you had Norton installed?
You might want to run the free version of malwarebytes as a crosscheck--or, since you have two specific files you want to get rid of, download and run the Norton Power Eraser and see if they come up as suspicious.
This particular version of Norton which is 360 has only been installed for a couple of months.
I ran the eraser and there were no risks found. If those files were a risk I would think Norton would eradicate them.
What program(s) do these files belong to?
Both Windows and programs usually protect themselves and you can't just go in and delete files that way. You'd have to uninstall the program so the system doesn't protect it, and then if it leaves the folder, you should then be able to get rid of it.
I'd be curious to know what program folder you're trying to delete files from and why? Without a better understanding of what you're trying to do, it will be hard for anyone to advise you.
Hello; I am trying ti delete a couple of files form my PC and I think Norton is preventing me from doing that.
The program is in my program files x86 folder, The program is called cyberbuddy and is a chat program., I am trying to dlete the two files previously mentionend and rep[lace them with two similar files.
I HAVE admin privieges on my computer so I can normally do this type of thing but the files tend to get overwritten. ie , I am asked if I want to copy and replace rather than just deleting them.
cyberspal wrote:The program is in my program files x86 folder, The program is called cyberbuddy and is a chat program., I am trying to dlete the two files previously mentionend and rep[lace them with two similar files.
I HAVE admin privieges on my computer so I can normally do this type of thing but the files tend to get overwritten. ie , I am asked if I want to copy and replace rather than just deleting them.
It almost sounds like the two files you are trying to delete are protected. Are the replacement files updates or upgrades to the existing program? If you are doing an upgrade/update it might be easier to delete the whole thing and download the later version complete.
If you are able to remove the files then you would also break any links between them and the other components of the program. Replacing the files with new ones would not reestablsih the links so the whole program might not run as expected.
Keep us in the loop. We'll keep trying
No its not an upgrade. The program isn't installed on this pc and files were from an oldr pc.
I wonder if you could boot Windows into Safe Mode--or even a DOS prompt--and navigate to them & delete them the old fashioned way? I can't remember seeing any files protected like this that weren't either part of the Operating System itself or part of a virus/protected by a rootkit. Other than parts of Norton protected by its tamper protection. I suppose maybe you could turn off the tamper protection temporarily and see if that lets you delete the files...but it seems like a long shot, and I'm hesitant to recommend such a thing when the most likely explanation still seems like malware, even with the negative scans. I'd certainly try booting into DOS, etc., first and seeing if there's something less malicious somehow protecting them, that you could bypass that way.
Speaking of DOS...this is another long shot, but since you mentioned it being a legacy program...there was/is actually a "system" file attribute that could be set, the way you'd set/unset "read-only," etc. If that aattribute were set, it's possible that Windows would be protecting the files. Lot of cobwebs in that corner of my memory, I'm afraid!
There are also some tools that I've seen used here to remove rootkits that might serve this purpose too--but they should only be used under expert guidance...and that would not be me.
I have no idea about how to do that but thanks.
I just scanned thru this thread and remembered a program I used on XP called "Move on Boot" and I am not sure if it will work in this case or not - but I do see that it has been updated. No promises, but you may wan to try this:
I've used a program called Unlocker for that reason; it will tell you what is locking the file and give you the option to forcefully unlock/delete it.
One download location: http://www.techspot.com/downloads/1029-unlocker.html
(completely unrelated: the reCAPTCHA here is flippin' ridiculous)