It can't edit my message now, when press option hyperlink, it goes back to the top of this page. And if quote other's reply, server returns below message.
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
Sorry, your request failed. A notification has been sent to the development team for investigation.
It can't edit my message now, when press option hyperlink, it goes back to the top of this page. And if quote other's reply, server returns below message.
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
Sorry, your request failed. A notification has been sent to the development team for investigation.
Exception ID: 5FD3D651
Please click the Back button on your browser.
Hi, You have found my favorite frustrator!!! The solution I have found that works for me is to sssslllloooowwww down. If, when you want to post a response, will wait for the bar with font family etc. to display you will not get the error message when you click on the quote button. The time it takes to get from the click on the reply button to when you can click on the quote button will vary with the Internet traffic and the Norton server traffic as well as your computer's activity. So, it's chill pill time during high traffic times I must add the following disclaimer - what works for me may not work for you. Sorry
Please note that this message was done with both a quote and an edit.
Forum Feedback is the place for messages about the Forum System's little ideosyncracies so I'll suggest this be moved there for better exposure. You won't lose sight of it because a link will be left here.
Could you post some system inforamtion which will help pin this down:
What version of Windows are you using including Service Packs and whether 32 bit or 64 bit
Please also say what internet browser you are using -- name and version number ... and if it is IE whether you are using the Compatability Mode that IE 8 and 9 offer?
It can't edit my message now, when press option hyperlink, it goes back to the top of this page. And if quote other's reply, server returns below message.
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
An Unexpected Error has occurred.
Sorry, your request failed. A notification has been sent to the development team for investigation.
Exception ID: 5FD3D651
Please click the Back button on your browser.
Hi, You have found my favorite frustrator!!! The solution I have found that works for me is to sssslllloooowwww down. If, when you want to post a response, will wait for the bar with font family etc. to display you will not get the error message when you click on the quote button. The time it takes to get from the click on the reply button to when you can click on the quote button will vary with the Internet traffic and the Norton server traffic as well as your computer's activity. So, it's chill pill time during high traffic times I must add the following disclaimer - what works for me may not work for you. Sorry
Please note that this message was done with both a quote and an edit.
Thanks, man. I also found this approach while typing a long message.