Can't install program

I'm trying to install Ableton Live 11 Lite but I keep getting the error "Setup Failed - 0x800700e8 - The pipe is being closed".  When I search for a solution I found that it's my antivirus is blocking the installation of the program.

Is there anyway to fix the problem?

Nathan Peeters:

Haven't seen this, is it only with this program?

Well, I don't know "only with this program".  I'm used to seeing Norton report on launch. 
Show Report on launch of Files = Always.
Regarding Auto-Protect grays out shortly after launch. 
I happened to check Norton system tray button since, I was not seeing Norton report on launch. 

Just another head scratch while I was testing. 
After my initial Setup Failed [here].  Installation Successfully Completed with Norton disabled [here] & Norton enabled [here].

Wonder if Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe is too large for Norton.

Regards w Respect

Haven't seen this, is it only with this program?

 @Nathan Peeters have you seen:  
Norton does not report on launch &or Disable Auto-Protect grays out shortly after launch.

1) Norton does not report on launch Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe 
2) Disable Auto-Protect grays out shortly after launch Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe

head scratch = wonder if Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe is too large for Norton.

first try = fail
second try with Norton Auto-Protect & Smart Firewall disabled = success
third try with Norton Auto-Protect & Smart Firewall enabled = success

 @Nathan Peeters have you seen:  
Norton does not report on launch &or Disable Auto-Protect grays out shortly after launch.

1) Norton does not report on launch Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe 
2) Disable Auto-Protect grays out shortly after launch Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe

Glad to be of help!

Just to say a big thanks you to the both of you for your replies as I disabled auto protect and smart firewall and finally managed to get ableton installed on my computer.  Thank you again.

fwiw ~ two observations

1) Norton does not report on launch Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe 
2) Disable Auto-Protect grays out shortly after launch Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe

Note: Report on Launch of Files works calling ccsetup.exe with Auto-Protect grayed out. 

fwiw ~ as test: with Norton Auto-Protect & Smart Firewall enabled.
Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe

Caveat: I'm not familiar with Ableton Live 11 Lite
as always, your mileage may vary


fwiw ~ as test: with Norton Auto-Protect & Smart Firewall disabled.


Note:  it's large

zip'd download 2.92 GB


Note: it's large
7.25 GB


Caveat: I'm not familiar with Ableton Live 11 Lite
as always, your mileage may vary

fwiw ~ as test: my Norton 360 remained silent. 

Caveat: I'm not familiar with Ableton Live 11 Lite
as always, your mileage may vary

fwiw ~ as test:


Filename: Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe
Full Path: C:\Users\user\Desktop\ableton_live_lite_11.3.13_64\Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe

Ableton AG



Few Users
Hundreds of users in the Norton Community have used this file.

This file was released 15 days  ago.

Norton has given this file a good rating.

Source File: 
Ableton Live 11 Lite Installer.exe

File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:

You could turn off Norton Firewall and auto protect:

Right hand down next to the time, click with the right mouse button on Norton
Disable firewall (15 minutes)
Disable Auto Protect (15 minutes)

This should let you download
If the program gives trouble after you could exclude it:

Exclude files and folders from Norton scans: