Can't renew or purchase a new subscription

My subscription expired about a week ago and have tried to renew it but every time I try I'm taken to a blank page. If I try to refresh the page nothing happens and I've tried doing this on multiple devices but every single time it's the same blank page. Honestly starting to feel like my account has just been blocked from renewing or something cause nothing seems to work. No VPN, cache cleared, no ad blockers, no change to payment info, nothing is working. Any help will be appreciated.

This the page I keep being taken too which won't load


not experienced that before, i sing into the account and payment deal there ( i use a card with keycode) , sometimes i use the program itself to input the keycode.

would try the payment section and redo the card and try again

Purchase a new subscription from a third party like BestBuy and enroll under your account.