a few weeks ago, I got a "downloader" virus and my machine locked up. I rebooted and windows would keep rebooting itself before the login screen, even in safe mode. I then left it for week came back and it booted up.
So then I ran a full system scan and it detected the "downloader" virus. Within a few minutes of login into windows, ccsvchst.exe takes up 99% of the resources and I cannot close norton. It got stuck on the "one click support" window or something like. It just sat there and with the status of "processing" for hours. I could not kill or adjust the priority of ccsvchst.exe in the task manager. I gave up on a full system scan after 10 hours.
windows xp sp3 32bit
[edit:Resized images to fit.]
Message Edited by shannons on 08-03-2009 08:20 PM