ccSvcHst.exe utilizes all available CPU resources

Recently I have been having a problem with ccSvcHst.exe .  I stumbled onto this site searching for an answer and lo

and behold my case seems to be identical to jnth's, whose problem was cleared on 8-8-2009 by removing Norton and

reinstalling,  but Ythan in same thread tried that tactic without success.  In my case the offending program took total

control of my computer and ran last night for 50 minutes utilizing all available cpu capacity. This is not acceptable, in fact taking over 100 percent of cpu for any length of time is unacceptable.  I would much prefer not

to go throught the uninstall/reinstall procedure to fix something that seems to be a program fault as my Norton

subscription runs out in 14 days and While I have used Norton for  about 10 years, unless I can fix this annoyance

soon, I will not be inclined to renew. This problem must be much more widespread than the activity on this forum

indicates and IMHO it deserves explanation and solving other than the shotgun approach of uninstall reinstall.


<<Edit: Edited subject for clarity>>

Message Edited by TomV on 08-20-2009 12:58 AM