ccSvcHst.exe Windows 7 64bit disk queue problem on startup



I notice a particular problem each time I start up my Windows 7 64 bit.

The disk queue of my system disk goes up to 12 and beyond. This is due to ccSvcHst.exe.


As a result the system is very slow at first. Gradually the disk queue lowers to a normal .9.


On the Resource monitor that comes along with windows 7 I notice a lot of files opened by ccSvcHst.exe at the same time.


Does anyone know how to lower the disk queue at startup?



Thanks for the reply.


The Early load was put off, so I switched it on.

It helped to a certain degree in that the disk queue is now down to 6 at startup.


I just wandered, what happens at startup that ccSVcHst.exe has to check all these files and what is the "Early Load" doing?



Early load loads Auto-Protect during system startup.





I notice a particular problem each time I start up my Windows 7 64 bit.

The disk queue of my system disk goes up to 12 and beyond. This is due to ccSvcHst.exe.


As a result the system is very slow at first. Gradually the disk queue lowers to a normal .9.


On the Resource monitor that comes along with windows 7 I notice a lot of files opened by ccSvcHst.exe at the same time.


Does anyone know how to lower the disk queue at startup?

