Change in Norton Insight File Counts

Later today, we will be releasing an update to our Norton Insight ratings.  The goal of this update is to improve the accuracy of Insight Ratings by applying new types of analysis and by updating our ratings more frequently.  In order to achieve some of these improvements, we’ve decided to retire the ratings for very old files that are no longer in use.  As a result, you will see a one-time drop in the number of “Known Good Files” and “Known Bad Files” that Norton displays in the “Norton Insight – Application Ratings” dialog shown below:



We’ve conducted careful analysis to ensure that the retired files are not being used, and that removing them will not impact the protection or performance of anyone’s machine.  In fact, we believe the improvements will actually result in more accurate ratings and better protection.  The changes will be deployed on Symantec’s Insight servers, so everyone will receive the update simultaneously and you will not need to run LiveUpdate.