Please advise how to change Norton Internet Security Live Update and other features that update automatically when computer starts and connects to internet from running automatically so I can run Live Update manually when I want it to. The updates do not seem to wait for the puter to be idle and I'll be in the middle of something and the computer performance takes a big hit when Live Update kicks in. I'd rather choose when the updates run and do it manually.
To answer your question: in settings, computer settings, at the bottom under updates, turn off automatic live update. But remember to run Liveupdate manually, I’d say at least once a day.
Thank you J. Rosenberg! I found the on / off switch thanks to you.
Phil, IS Version i s17.6.0.32 running on Windows XP with SP2. Intel Pentium 3 with 512 MB of RAM. I know, it's an older puter but the problem is Update kicking in even when the puter is not idle and NAV takes up about 95% of the resource.
You really should upgrade to sp 3 for XP since support for sp 2 is ending very soon. You won't be able to get windows updates for sp2 very soon. Norton's is working harder also because you don't have sp 3 installed with the added security of that.
Support for X.P. S.P. 2 and 2000 Ends on July 13, 2010, so I would also recommend that you Update to S.P. 3, and Support for S.P. 3 Ends in 2014, if I remember correctly. If you do not Update to S.P.3, then the Intrusion Detection Signatures will protect you, providing that you keep these right up-to-date.