Change Live Update from Auto to Manual Update

Please advise how to change Norton Internet Security Live Update and other features that update automatically when computer starts and connects to internet from running automatically so I can run Live Update manually when I want it to.  The updates do not seem to wait for the puter to be idle and I'll be in the middle of something and the computer performance takes a big hit when Live Update kicks in.  I'd rather choose when the updates run and do it manually.



Hello smoothieusa and welcome!


The newer versions of Norton, should not cause an impact on your work.


Could you give us more detail as to your computer specs and the NIS version (Help & Support > About)




To answer your question: in settings, computer settings, at the bottom under updates, turn off automatic live update. But remember to run Liveupdate manually, I’d say at least once a day.

Thank you J. Rosenberg!  I found the on / off switch thanks to you.


Phil, IS Version i s17.6.0.32  running on Windows XP with SP2.  Intel Pentium 3 with 512 MB of  RAM.  I know, it's an older puter but the problem is Update kicking in even when the puter is not idle and NAV takes up about 95% of the resource.


Thanks again!



Oops, Rosenfeld - Sorry for the incorrect spelling

If you need norton to be quieter to use your pc on newer versions...right cllick norton icon in system tray and click silent mode.


I have a smaller system pc thats three years old win xp sp3 512gb ram and it runs like a dream.


I do keep a really light start up load of programs tho', this helps immensily and I dont run any other live security.

Hello smoothieusa


You really should upgrade to sp 3 for XP since support for sp 2 is ending very soon. You won't be able to get windows updates for sp2 very soon.  Norton's is working harder also because you don't have sp 3 installed with the added security of that.

Support for X.P. S.P. 2 and 2000  Ends on July 13, 2010, so I would also recommend that you Update to S.P. 3, and  Support for S.P. 3 Ends in 2014, if I remember correctly.  If you do not Update to S.P.3, then the Intrusion Detection Signatures will protect you, providing that you keep these right up-to-date.