I changed my email address from my Norton account (
http://www.myNortonAccount.com). I confirmed it, logged in with my new email address to check it. I tried to start the back up, then it asks me for my email address and my password. But everytime I enter my email and password, it shows me a form, with my old email (with the link change email address next to it). Each time I enter my new address with my correct password, I get refered to the same form again, with my old email address. I restarted my laptop a couple of times and I updated Norton, but it keeps showing my old address and I keep entering my new confirmed address and password, but nothing helps.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Edit 1:
Added the screen shots.
After the last screen, I get sent back to the first screen, etc.
Edit 2:
I logged in at nobu.backup.com with my new email address, but I keep getting the screens posted above when I start the back up.