Child easily overrides controls

I recently bought 'Norton Family' - I have been very disappointed - I get an email notification every day saying 'permissions have been turned off' ie my son is doing something on his phone to turn controls off - he is not very IT savvy so I am not sure how this is so easy to do??

Even before he figured out how to do this, he was still able to use Spotify at all times even when his phone was supposed to be locked. Therefore 'Norton Family' has never been much help at all. 

I spoke to my son about this and he told me it's very easy to 'glitch' things by just pressing very fast on an app eg WhatsApp - he can then still use it even if the phone is 'locked'.

Also I have never been able to see a list of videos he has watched.

I would like a refund for my subscription as it is totally pointless having it. How do I go about this?

Hi  @N Sufrin,

Android operating system provides more control to the users to better manage their devices. This also means more control for children who use the devices. In order to avoid such tampering/changing settings, we recommend you to enable all the required permissions and then block the Settings app.



My child easily just turns permissions off on his phone, that was the point of my original question and why I am requesting a refund. I'm not sure what you mean by 'please make sure permissions are not tampered with', I would expect it to be designed in a way that it is not possible for the child to tamper with them as it totally defeats the whole purpose of the app.

Hi  @N Sufrin,

From our backend logs, we see the app is missing a few permissions.

To work properly, the Norton Family application needs all the required permissions to be granted all the time on the child’s device. Please make sure that the app permissions are not tampered with. If you see any app permission(s) tampered with in the child’s device, please grant the permission(s) again. As an additional measure, please also block the “Settings” App in “App House Rules”.

You can follow the exact steps mentioned here.

