I am having a HUGE problem with NOF. I have set a specific time limit for my child, namely 2 hours per day. However, she manages to stay logged in for hours!!!!
This is the single most frustrating drawback of NOF. I replaced the MS family live safety application because I could only configure specific time ranges whereas computer use would be allowed. I preferred to have my child freely user her system, as long as the TOTAL time did not exceed the one I have configured...
Any progress on this? Can I open an "official" bug report for the issue? I could provide my account info for cross-reference, for Symantec to verify that my claim is true...
EDIT: Note that I have NAV 2013 installed as trial and will most likely purchase it.
EDIT2: I also read http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Online-Family/Child-stops-Norton-Online-Family-by-clicking-ctrl-alt-del/m-p/724948#M10037
However I had my daughter with a restricted user account from day one and she definitely does not know my passwords... I'm tired and buffled here, especially since windows live safety worked like a charm (albeit with the lack of the allow XXX hours daily feature).