Clear Icon Cache entry

I ran Autoruns and noticed a something running at startup under Internet Explorer - File not found.  Using the jump function, it took me to the following registry entry: 


C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /D /C start C:\Windows\system32\ie4uinit.exe - ClearIconCache under:


HKEY Local Machine\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\ActiveSetup\InstalledComponents. 


If I disable the function via Autoruns it moves to a new key under the Installed Componenets called AutorunDisabled. 


Is this a problem?  I think it's from a fix I used several months ago to fix the icon cache that was damaged using Norton Utilities 15.  If this is legit, is it OK to let it run?  My scans with NIS 2012 and MBAM are clear.


Thanks for the help - I apologize in advance if his does not make sense - it is hard getting old!