Cloned a HDD to my new SDD Samsung 830 256gb ERRORS

Hi GUys


Cloned a HDD to my new SDD Samsung 830 256gb per the instructions. But when I try to reboot with the new SSD card I get a WIndows error 'autochk program not found - skipping autocheck'. Yes guys I have googled it and I have tried for 48 hours every bit of advice re stopping in via a registry entry or even at cmd prompt level.


I have tried the Win 7 restore disk but that cannot fix it I have no idea what Ghost has cloned but its not my current HDD. If I reconnect my HDD is starts straight away. I have tried fixmbr or even creating a new one.


But what ever I do when WIn 7 tried to boot from the new cloned card I get autochk program not found - skipping autocheck!!!


Any ideas please I have tried searching for this error in these forums but no result. Note I do disconnect my other drives when booting with the sdd drive. Please see here 

Hi GUys


Cloned a HDD to my new SDD Samsung 830 256gb per the instructions. But when I try to reboot with the new SSD card I get a WIndows error 'autochk program not found - skipping autocheck'. Yes guys I have googled it and I have tried for 48 hours every bit of advice re stopping in via a registry entry or even at cmd prompt level.


I have tried the Win 7 restore disk but that cannot fix it I have no idea what Ghost has cloned but its not my current HDD. If I reconnect my HDD is starts straight away. I have tried fixmbr or even creating a new one.


But what ever I do when WIn 7 tried to boot from the new cloned card I get autochk program not found - skipping autocheck!!!


Any ideas please I have tried searching for this error in these forums but no result. Note I do disconnect my other drives when booting with the sdd drive. Please see here 

Can you see this

Hi Brian that works I am on Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit



Yes. The EFI partition concerns me. Does your Win7 on the old drive boot if you disconnect Disk 1.

Thay disk is my Hackintosh boot drive but lets me boot into WIn 7 if I need to

Do you think if I leave that connected it might boot

Try it and let us know.

Hi Brian yep just booted with drive 1 off just fine!!!!


Do you have Googl Chat or Skype please?

If I have the new SDD and my Drive 1 still get same error!!!

OK. Drive 1 is not a problem but I'd disconnect it until we have the clone completed.


Tell me how you did the clone. Copy Drive or Image/Restore.

I followed the Ghost manual took I Copy my HDD  option 3 I think was my setup.  I selected tools checked off boot and checked mbr and everything went through fine. My current HDD is 1 tb split into 2 partions I only selected the C: partion.


Just for your info I have a WHS running with a full backup of this dresktop.


I take it you prefer not to chat ? :)

Let's keep it in the forum so other can learn.


When you did Copy Drive, how did you prepare your SSD prior to the Copy?

I have to admit no I didn’t

Can I re do this now? How do I reformat a SSD ??? I am a newbie to SSD :(

Do I delete volume or reformat fom disk manger or use secure erase from the Magicicna software and then will I get Initialize option for SSD?



This thread explains all....


... but just read the first page about sectors. It's likely your sector spread is greater than 240 GB even though you only have 100 GB of data. The best and most reliable way to clone to your HD is with image/restore. So you need to do this...


Delete the partition on your SSD. Leave it as unallocated space.

Resize your C: drive to 200 GB. You can resize it back later.

Do a One Time Backup of the 200 GB C: drive.

Remove all drives from the computer except for the SSD, boot from the Ghost CD and restore the image to the unallocated space. Use these Options...


Boot from the SSD.


Are you up to this or do you need a hand.



Look fine but getting an error when I try to shrink my C: drive  see here

You last link is confusing sorry what on earth is SRP????


You have not mentioned the bit about me Initializing the SSD


Are you asking me to use Ghost to do a backup of my C drive when I manage to shrink it ?


THen reboot with Ghost CD in and restore it were do I store a 200gb backup????

Dale, sorry mate but you are going to have to read that long thread. Ignore the posts about Copy Drive because they didn't work. Ignore the restoring of the OEM and Recovery partition.You only have one partition to restore.


You don't have a SRP (System Reserved Partition) so your restore Options are...


Verify recovery point before restore
Resize drive after recover (unallocated space only) (ONLY if you want to)
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery
Set drive active (for booting OS)
Restore original disk signature
Restore master boot record


I suggest you follow my instructions and use BIBM for the C: drive resize. Report back with any problems.